Minneapolis In Crisis

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As many people know, as a direct result of George Floyd’s death while in police custody, the City Council in Minneapolis has announced that they will disband/dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).  There is a veto-proof majority (9 out of12) on the council who support this idea.  Assuming none of these people waver once they actually begin to think about the ramifications of this, the mayor, who opposes this, will not be able to block this legislation.

Lisa Bender, City Council President, appeared on CNN on Monday to discuss this idea.  An obvious question that CNN asked was, what will take the place of the MPD?  According to Bender, they will construct a “transformative new model of public safety.” Exactly what that means isn’t yet clear.

In other words, Bender has no idea of what they would put in the place of the MPD.  In fact, it appears certain that the Council is not even spitballing different ideas as yet.  This is simply a knee-jerk reaction to pressure from groups like Antifa, BLM, By Any Means Necessary and other extremist organizations.  These groups want to get rid of the police so that they can operate with impunity wherever they may be.

CNN bobblehead Alisyn Camerota followed up and asked Bender what a citizen should do if someone breaks into their home in the middle of the night? Who should they call for help?

Here’s Bender’s answer:


Let’s parse this answer.  Bender acknowledges that she has heard a lot from her neighbors about the lunacy of what she is proposing.  No surprise there.  Bender then continues on to state that such thinking “comes from a place of privilege.” This is insanity.  This is deranged thinking at its most dangerous.

Bender is trying to deflect attention from the lunacy of her idea by invoking “white privilege.”  Bender is locked in a straitjacket of thinking that has been imposed on her by extremist groups who will be happy to turn on her once she is no longer useful to them.

This is saying that black-on-white crime is a form of political protest with property theft serving as retribution for past white-on-black wrongs.  We have already seen some of this nonsense in some California cities where they will not investigate/prosecute property crimes under $1,000.  How’s that working out?

Bender then goes on to pay homage to the myth of black genocide at the hands of police.

This entire answer shows that Bender has no business being on the council let alone being president of the council.  If the council makes good on their promise to disband the police force, residents will be left to deal with crime on their own.  One won’t have to worry about the old saw that says, “When seconds count, police are just minutes away.”  The police won’t be coming.

What will be the effects of this announcement?  Business owners who can will relocate to environs that are safer.  This is already happening.  If you own a business and you watched it burn to the ground while the police and fire did nothing, you know it is time to leave.  If you are a resident still in control of your own thinking, you will be finding new and better places to live.  Minnesota Nice is gone and won’t be returning anytime soon.

If you can’t relocate, then you will arm yourself.  After all, self-policing will be the new standard in Minneapolis.  Of course, by the time this comes to pass, most sane people who can will have departed.  This means a shriveling up of the tax base to say nothing about property values.  All those good things that Minneapolis was known for will be gone.  Perhaps a name change is in order.  New Somalia is a good possibility.