Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Mis-information

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On Wednesday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) went on Twitter and claimed that PDJT is urging people to “inject Lysol and drink bleach.”  This claim came in response to the Trump administration efforts in court on Obamacare.

Where are Twitter’s fact-checkers?  Why wasn’t this tweet red-flagged as dangerous to the public?  It couldn’t be that Twitter is biased against Trump and Republicans, could it?  If Twitter does not flag this while flagging conservative content, how can they be considered an open platform?  Censoring some entries while permitting others should make them a publisher with the attendant liabilities.

This is not the first time that Pelosi has spread this lie during the current crisis about the coronavirus.  Pelosi said the same thing back in April.

“The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs…” 

They also mocked PDJT for suggesting light therapy.  It turns out that Aytu BioScience is partnering with the FDA and Cedars-Sinai trying to develop such a therapy to kill the virus in intubated patients.

So, the Democrats, while mocking PDJT as anti-science, turn out to be the ones who are really anti-science.

1 thought on “Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Mis-information

  1. Aint Jemima

    Levels of arrogance and stupidity reach uncharted territory for this sickly hag. They must have some horribly rigged elections or some brain-dead electorate out there. It used to be one of the most beautiful and desirable places to live. Now it’s worse than Detroit.

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