Influencing Elections

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Many people have become quite jaded about politicians keeping the promises they made while campaigning for office.  There have been so many instances of politicians walking away from campaign promises as soon as election day is over.  One might say that such politicians were lying to the public.  And unfortunately, it is a disease that affects politicians on both sides of the aisle.

However jaded one might be, this statement by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raises eyebrows across the political spectrum.

What a novel idea!  Keeping one’s campaign promises.  Despite AOC’s obvious cognitive difficulties, she has just written a campaign ad for PDJT for his re-election.  PDJT has kept his campaign promises because he wants to influence the outcome of the election. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

It has been way too long in this country since that has been the case.  Too many politicians grovel before this faction or that faction in a vain attempt to garner their votes.  Once the crisis has passed, they then go their merry way.  This is why the black population has remained mired in poverty.  They have listened to Democratic politicians promise the world and deliver nothing.

I understand that if AOC had taken a poli-sci course in college, she probably received a different message.  Her Marxist professors probably said, “Promise them anything to get elected and then do what you want once you get there.”

That’s not PDJT.  He has kept more campaign promises during his relatively short time in office than the last four presidents combined.  PDJT needs four more years to show the country how an elected official is supposed to act.  This is what democracy is supposed to be about.  I suppose that may be a bit over AOC’s head.