Take Our Country Back

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During the last two months America has witnessed violence in the streets that may be unprecedented.  “Protestors” have rioted, looted, burned, raped and murdered.  And the media has called this “mostly peaceful.”


The Marxists who lead the BLM Global Network knew that they could not use the traditional Marxist approach of the oppressed worker to incite violence against the government.  Too many people enjoy the fruits of capitalism in this country.  PDJT had the economy roaring.  So instead, they have used “racial justice” as the trojan horse to undermine the structure of our constitutional republic.  And right now BLM has the loudest voice.

These Marxists literally have high-profile people kneeling to their agenda.

Democratics kneeling to their Marxist leaders’ agenda

They have corporate CEO’s pledging millions of dollars so that they do not become a target of the BLM/Antifa mob.  They have cowed mayors and governors in mostly Democratic cities and states to stand down and give terrorists “space to destroy.”  Anyone who dares to question the BLM movement is targeted for “cancellation.”  Interestingly enough, for the most part, the cities where Hillary Clinton ran strongest in 2016 have seen the most  destruction in 2020.

These people do not care about racial justice.  They do not care about black lives or any lives for that matter other than their own.  A one-year old Black child gets shot and there is zero outrage, zero protests, zero coming together for a cause.  But, let an “unarmed” Black man take a weapon, be willing to use it and get shot by police.  Then it is time to burn multiple cities.

Many in America are appalled at what they are seeing.  But, because of the “cancel culture” led by various BLM activists, they are afraid to stand up and speak out.

That may be beginning to end.  Three times during the past week, the Black Lives Matter “mural” that was painted on the street outside Trump Tower in NYC was splashed with paint.  Of course, the “mural” is nothing more than street graffiti.

On Friday a small group of Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter protestors poured blue paint on the graffiti and several were arrested.

The reaction on social media was awesome as many expressed their approval.  They also blasted Mayor De Blasio at the same time for the stunt of painting a “mural” on city streets.  Several hours later the “mural” had been repainted by DOT.

Once again media bias reared its ugly head.  The local news outlets ran with stories that almost universally started with the word “vandals.”  The “mural” had been “defaced.”  Whatever happened to the approach of characterizing these people as “mostly peaceful protesters.”  And, as a matter of fact, other than vandalizing the street graffiti, these were peaceful protesters.  There was no violence directed at any person or business.

This led to another paint episode on Saturday.  Bevelyn Beatty along with others from At The Well Ministries dumped and spread black paint on the “mural” in front of Trump Tower.  A video of the event is below and is about 12 minutes long.


While Beatty is doing this, she is telling everyone the truth about BLM.  Beatty tells people that BLM is destroying businesses belonging to black people.  She goes on to say that black people want the police.  Beatty says that BLM does not care about black lives.  She continues despite invective directed at her.

As Beatty is being arrested, she says, “Take your country back.”  She goes on to say that they are going to kill us.  And she is right.  The chances that the Marxists will get into power and turn the US into Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China are increasing.

After the arrests one officer asks one member of the group who was not spreading paint if they were part of a group.  They answered that they were Christians standing up for America.  They were trying to encourage people to take their country back.

After being released on Saturday , Bevelyn Beatty and her friends made late night visits to paint over the street lettering in Brooklyn and Harlem.  These intensely brave women did not back down when confronted by people who were hostile to their efforts.

State-sanctioned street graffiti in Harlem.

The following statement is from Beatty’s Facebook page regarding their time with the NYPD.

“While they were detained, Bevelyn and Edmee were treated like royalty! This was the BEST experience they have ever had with any police department.  During their time with the NYPD, the Lord moved mightily. The police expressed their HIGH APPRECIATION for what Bevelyn and Edmee stood up for today. They expressed their concerns and fears for their city. They are in fear for the sake of NYC and voiced that they need MORE people like them to help and stand up for what is RIGHT! They even asked for PRAYER!!”

These were outstanding protests.  We saw raw courage by these ladies.  Hopefully it will inspire others to become outspoken in defense of our country.  Beatty knows that it is not black against white.  It is good vs evil.  It is Christians against the Marxists.    The Democratic governors who are preventing church services know this as well.

These women are patriots who are leading by example.  Hopefully more will follow to help take our country back.