Approval Polls

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Unless one has been hiding under a rock or off exploring some planet in a far off galaxy, one knows that the media coverage of PDJT has been more than 90% negative from the time he was elected President.  During the last several months the media has attempted to up their game by writing and broadcasting panic-porn over the COVID-19 virus infection.  The latest attempt to smear PDJT is to blame PDJT for the rioting across the country that has been encouraged and supported by Democratic mayors and governors.

Despite all of this, Rasmussen polls this week show PDJT’s approval ratings standing at 49%.  This is the exact same rating that President Obama enjoyed at this point during his first term in office.  Of course, President Obama had a fawning press corps.  Coverage by the press corps was highly favorable.  It had to be.  If it wasn’t, the Obama administration would cut you off from any news coming out of the White House.

This is great news for PDJT and for the future of this country.