And So It Begins

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America under Joe Biden is beginning to be displayed.  The DNC convention in Milwaukee is rapidly turning into a virtual event.  It has been vastly scaled down from the original.  COVID-19 is being used as the excuse but most people realize that the possibility of unrest in Milwaukee coupled with Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive faculties is the real reason.  The Democrats are desperate to keep Biden in his basement as much as possible.

A citizens’ committee in Milwaukee, site of the DNC convention, has decided to disarm the police.  The committee ordered Police Chief Alonso Morales to order his forces to cease using tear gas and pepper spray.  I guess the idea of Bernie Bros being gassed on national TV was not the image that the DNC wanted to project.  The memories of Chicago in 1968 still haunt the Democrats.

The problem with this approach is that this leaves the police with only two options if a crowd becomes unruly and starts to riot.  The officers can stand down and allow the rioters free rein.  We have already seen how well that works as sections of some cities across the land have become war zones where law abiding people fear to go.  The other option is deadly force.  Neither option is very attractive.

If Joe Biden is elected, the images that we have seen nightly in various cities for the last two months could become standard across the country.  Americans have already recognized this possibility as they have purchased firearms and ammunition at unprecedented rates.  They do not want to be unarmed when the police are being told to stand down

A Trump campaign ad did a great job of capturing the essence of what Biden’s America would look like.

How is this playing out in Milwaukee the site of the Democratic Convention?  More than 100 law enforcement agencies are pulling out of agreements to help provide security.  The reason?  Taking tools away from the police puts citizens, protesters and police at greater risk.  West Allis Deputy Chief Robert Fletcher said,

“Our concern is that in the event protests turn non-peaceful, such a policy would remove tools from officers that may otherwise be legal and justifiable to utilize in specific situations.”

Franklin Police Chief, Rick Oliva, said they’re not equipped to protect the citizens, protesters, or police officers due to the restrictions of equipment and action that’s needed to deal with violent situations.

Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson responded by saying,

“I understand that use of chemical irritants and pepper spray is serious and those are to be used only when legally justified. But when you take that out of the continuum that doesn’t leave the officers much other than getting harmed or using deadly force and that’s not good for any officer or the public.”

Democrats have become overrun by the more radical wing of the party who have been rather vocal about their desire to see the police destroyed.  Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested that police were a “cancer” during a rant last month, adding, “we are saying we don’t want your damn reforms.”  No, what she wants is to overthrow the existing form of government and put a totalitarian one in its place.

Citizens pay taxes to enjoy “domestic tranquility.”  This is accomplished by the even-handed enforcement of the laws by the police that those taxes fund.  What is going on in Milwaukee is another example of would happen in America under a Biden presidency.  Police will not be there when needed.