Bye, Bye, First Amendment

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On Saturday the mayor of Washington, DC violated the First Amendment rights of some truly peaceful protesters by having them arrested because they used chalk to draw a Black Pre-born Lives Matter message on the public sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood Clinic.

As Tucker Carlson noted, rioters and looters have rampaged across the country.  In doing so, they have spray painted obscenities, racial slurs, political graffiti and other reprehensible messages on buildings, public and private.  Mayors have opened up city streets to messages being painted there.  This includes the mayor of Washington, DC.

A pro-life group asked for permission to paint their message on the street.  Under our Constitution, government does not have the right to discriminate between the free expression of viewpoints.  Since Black Lives Matter had been painted on the street elsewhere in Washington, this group certainly had the right to paint their message on the street as well.

The group never heard from the mayor.  The police asked that they use temporary paint which they agreed to do.  When they arrived in front of Planned Parenthood, they were met with six police cars.  They were told they could not paint the street.  They then went to chalk the sidewalk and were arrested.  This is something they do every Saturday morning. Why were they arrested?

Very clearly it is because they are not part of a politically correct group according to the Democratic mayor.  The pro-life viewpoint must be suppressed.  People who believe in the sanctity of life cannot be allowed to express themselves.  The mayor of Washington is trying to stop them from bringing to light the idea that an unborn child has rights like any other living human being.  Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with their message (I happen to agree), this is an outrageous violation of their civil rights.  Anarchists are allowed to vandalize buildings and not be arrested.  Using chalk on a public sidewalk results in an arrest.  Incredible!

This is consistent with the approach of the Democratic Party to everything currently going on in the country.  Allow the destruction of businesses, livelihoods and neighborhoods if it advances the building of their political power base.  Suppress any viewpoint that does not align with theirs.  If Joe Biden is elected President, this is a preview of what will happen to everyone in America who does not agree with the Democratic agenda.