Sidney Powell On The Warpath

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Sidney Powell connects the dots within the Obama administration’s surveillance abuses and the use of FBI “contractors” to mine the NSA database.  Powell outlines how it has been documented that the FBI believed General Flynn.  The agents believed Flynn was telling the truth about his conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.  Yet almost immediately after the interview, Sally Yates was trying to get Flynn fired.

Everyone involved knew that Flynn’s conversations with the ambassador were perfectly legitimate.  Sally Yates was quoted as saying that there were no criminal acts present even in connection with the Logan Act.

Powell went on to eviscerate Yates for signing the FISA warrants attesting to their veracity.  Powell noted,

“Any good lawyer would not put their name on it as asserting probable cause.”

Regarding the abuse of the NSA database Powell said,

“We can tell that it was very serious and very widespread from the decision of Judge Rosemary Collyer who was the head of the FISA court previously and the decision that was released in 2017 that was talking about hundreds if not thousands of illegal unmaskings.  Comey gave the FBI and private contractors unfettered access to the NSA database to mine it for whatever they wanted to mine it for.”

This is crucial.  It was also probably inevitable.  The lure of the ability to access, as Maxine Waters said, “everything about everyone” was too much for the corrupt people within the Obama administration.  They saw the possibility of controlling the government forever without accountability to the people.  They did not have the moral character to step away from this activity.

The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to know about the Obama administration spying on 48 current and former members of Congress from 2008 to 2020.  Powell pointed out that John Brennan was spying on members of Congress with CIA assets.  Powell asserted that the Obama administration was spying on anybody they wanted to spy on.  She went on to refer to the Fusion Cell or the Hammer that was in operation during Spygate.

The Fusion Cell was an inter-agency group of officials established by John Brennan.  It appears their mission was to unmask information on all kinds of Americans, particularly members of Congress.

It is interesting to note that, other than a recent appearance at the funeral of John Lewis where Obama disgraced himself by using it as an opportunity to trash PDJT, Obama has been very quiet.

Powell went to broadcast that the Obama administration was doing this illegal spying to everyone.  They were like the East German Stasi or the USSR KGB.  The American public needs to understand just how bad the surveillance has been.

Powell discussed Joe Biden and his never-ending pay-to-play activities while he has been in public office.  She did not stop with Biden.  Powell noted,

“He (Biden) and Obama and the whole Clinton crime cabal have been doing this, lining their own pockets in their globalist deals for years.  This is the corruption that President Trump was sent to Washington to get rid of and it’s all just starting to come to light.  We’re going to find it is far worse than we ever realized.”

What we are seeing is the gradual exposure of the most corrupt administration in American history.  Will the media ever report on it?  Probably not until they are forced to.  But it doesn’t stop with the NSA database.

A whistleblower at Obama’s Treasury department noted,

“President Barack Obama’s Treasury Department regularly surveilled retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn’s financial records and transactions BEGINNING IN DECEMBER 2015 and well into 2017, before, during and after when he served at the White House as President Donald Trump’s National Security Director.”

Flynn wasn’t the only one.  Paul Manafort was another.  And there were many more.  The names have not yet been seen, sealed within official paperwork that may be part of John Durham’s sprawling investigation.  The other names include: Members of Congress, the most senior staffers on the 2016 Trump campaign and members of Trump’s family, she said.

Are we getting close to indictments?  PDJT seems to think so.

When the cabal is exposed for what it is, we will have many people to thank.  Certainly one of them is Sidney Powell.