Michelle Obama Disqualifies Joe Biden

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Former first lady Michelle Obama addressed a virtual Democratic National Convention on Monday evening.  Depending on your political point of view, it was either a forceful call to vote for Joe Biden or an attempt to further divide an already polarized nation.

However, it was also something else.  Early in her remarks, the former first lady made the case that Joe Biden should NOT be President.  Yes, she lays out the qualities needed to be President and, in so doing, disqualifies Joe Biden.  To be kind, perhaps she is unaware of Biden’s cognitive issues.  However, she should be well aware of Biden’s lack of a moral compass.  After all, Biden and her husband worked closely together for eight years.  She had to be aware of just how much Biden used the office of the Vice President to enrich his family.

I am one of a handful of people living today who have seen firsthand the immense weight and awesome power of the presidency. And let me once again tell you this: The job is hard. It requires clear-headed judgment, a mastery of complex and competing issues, a devotion to facts and history, a moral compass, and an ability to listen — and an abiding belief that each of the 330 million lives in this country has meaning and worth.

A president’s words have the power to move markets. They can start wars or broker peace. They can summon our better angels or awaken our worst instincts. You simply cannot fake your way through this job.

Biden’s judgement has been seriously compromised by his cognitive decline.  He has difficulty handling the complexity of a teleprompter at times.  How will Biden ever handle complex geo-political issues?  As we have seen with the so far unresolved issues coming out of the Ukraine and China, Biden’s moral compass was sold a long time ago.

We have also seen that Biden’s ability to listen has disappeared.  Among a mounting pile of evidence for this, include his challenging an auto worker to fight when the individual asked about gun rights and responding to another legitimate question by calling the woman a “lying, dog-faced, pony soldier” whatever that may be.  Then there was Biden calling a reporter a drug addict when the reporter asked a question about taking a cognitive test.

Michelle Obama’s last sentence above is the clincher.  Joe Biden, with the help of elite Democrats, is trying to fake his way through the campaign.  While PDJT takes unrehearsed questions from a hostile media every day, Biden hides in his basement.  Biden occasionally fumbles his way through a softball interview that does nothing to assure people that he is not senile.

Regardless of whatever lies Michelle Obama may have spouted, I guess we owe her a thank you for pointing out that Joe Biden is not qualified for the Presidency.