The Case For Lockdowns, Mitigation, School Closures Just Collapsed

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The whole narrative for all the totalitarian edicts from state governors is falling apart.  The conquering hero in the narrative is something called a memory T cell.  Memory T cells help us fight some viruses.  Their role against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, had been unclear.

Recently two studies reveal infected people harbor these T cells that target the virus—and may help them recover. Both studies also found some people never infected with SARS-CoV-2 have these cellular defenses, most likely because they were previously infected with other coronaviruses.  The common cold is often a result of an infection by one of multiple coronaviruses.

A study, published in the journal Nature on July 29th, found that among a sample of 68 healthy adults in Germany who had not been exposed to the coronavirus, 35% had T cells in their blood that were reactive to the virus.

Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, noted,

“It does appear in this study that there is a significant proportion of individuals that have this cross-reactive T cell immunity from other coronavirus infections that may have some impact on how they fare with the novel coronavirus.”

Dr. Ron Paul did an extensive review of the subject on his Liberty Report.

Some of the highlights:

  • T cell immunity appears to be lasting.
  • A huge study in China shows asymptomatic people do not pass the virus to others.
  • The vast majority of infections take place within a household.
  • When antibody tests reached a 15% positive rate, deaths declined to near zero regardless of heavy-handed government intrusion or not.
  • Outrage over the use of drones to spot people without masks.
  • Young people are not vulnerable.

People in Wuhan are out and about with no masks or social distancing.  Americans are cowering inside.

Lawmakers in some states are waking up.

CDC is recategorizing deaths to keep the added number of deaths near 1200 per day.  This is called “cooking the books.”

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has followed the same graph of infections as the SARS virus in 2002-3

The lockdowns were not necessary and should not be continued.