V-Shaped Recovery Continues

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Another 1.4 million jobs were added back in August as the recovery continues unabated.  The national unemployment rate dropped to 8.4% from 10.2% in July.  Economists were way off once again as they predicted 9.8% for the unemployment rate.  See the BLS report here.

Despite the ongoing challenges posed by Communist Democratic governors who refuse to listen to the science, there is good news for the most heavily impacted sectors of the economy: leisure and hospitality. Well over half of those jobs lost have been recovered. In the past four months 3.6 million jobs have been gained in this sector. This is despite the efforts of Governors Cuomo, Murphy, Whitmer and Newsome to lock people out of work.  Imagine how much further along the recovery would be if these dictators weren’t obstructing the recovery so that Joe Biden can win the election.

Employment in food services and drinking places is still down by down by 2.5 million since the peak in February but the gain is significant and reflects a “V-shaped” recovery ongoing.  All areas of the economy are benefitting from the program that the Trump administration put in place to help Americans recover from the economic crisis caused by the virus.  This is in sharp contrast to the Obama administration’s “recovery” that only helped Wall Street and left Main Street floundering.

This continues the greatest job recovery in the history of the country.  Democratic economists claimed we would be at 20% unemployment right now.  This just shows that PDJT’s administration has people who really understand the economy and work for the everyday American not the fat cats on Wall Street.

The recovery is reflected in PDJT’s approval numbers.

This is why The Atlantic came out with their fake news article about Trump and the military.  They are trying to distract the public from the good economic news.  I am certain that there will be more outrageous smears like this until the election.