Nashville Fraud

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Although it has been ignored by the MSM, by now due to the samizdat many people know about the fraud involving COVID case counts in Nashville.  Apparently flush with power, the mayor decided to keep bars closed and restaurants at 25% capacity arbitrarily.  At the time he talked about a big spike in case counts originating from these locations.  As it turns out, as is par for the course during these lockdowns, this was not true.

Dr. Tom Woods recently published the following about this:

I recently wrote to you about the Nashville mayor’s office, which misled people about the contribution of bars and restaurants to the COVID “case” count, and then on the basis of these misleading remarks ordered bars shut down and restaurants crippled.

Internal emails showed officials wanting to keep the low case numbers associated with bars and restaurants a secret.

Since then, the mayor’s office has denied all this, but thanks to the Internet we have a video clip of Mayor John Cooper saying in July that bars were behind “sharp recent case increases and clustering of cases. Our public health investigators have found a record number of clusters originating from bars within the past week.” 

Then, just last week, under pressure, the Mayor admitted: “Back when we were modifying phase two, the bar case count was not at that time super high. Of course we’re happy to share all information, but we want the right interpretation behind all of this. Thank you.”  And he walked off.

Now in that context, here’s your quiz. Feel free to share it with those friends of yours who still think the correct approach is to cancel everything that brings people joy and to hide in our homes indefinitely.

These are charts of case counts in four Tennessee counties. (I realize “case” counts are a dubious measure, but if the Doomers want to play that game, let’s play.) Unless you live in Tennessee, you probably won’t know which county Nashville is in.

One of these four counties shut down bars and limited restaurant capacity to 25 percent.

Can you figure out which one?

Does it not look instead as if no matter what policies are implemented, the virus follows the same path?

By the way, want to know which one is the correct county?

It’s Davidson, in the lower-left corner of the graphic.

You couldn’t tell, could you?

And that, my friends, is the story of the whole sorry episode: looking at charts of states and of whole countries, you can’t tell which places shut down, or how hard they shut down, or how long they shut down, or whether they had mask mandates, or when the mask mandates were implemented, or when the mask mandates were lifted.

It’s all been an episode in voodoo pseudoscience, perpetrated by tyrants who themselves do not fear the virus (else we wouldn’t see them secretly going about their lives in defiance of the restrictions placed on the rest of us).

Opinion is slowing turning in favor of normality, though I have to admit I thought more people would have developed a rational outlook on the whole thing by now.

I have to agree with Dr. Woods.  It is taken a long time for people to see through the smokescreen.  The media has been more successful than I would have expected in instilling an absolute dread of returning to normal activities.  I see this regularly in the people that I interact with.

There are counties in this country that are not permitted to return to normal activities when their new case counts are less than five.  That is just ridiculous.  In some case just one or two new cases can trigger mitigation measures.  And this does not even begin to address the issue of the number of positives resulting from a multiplication factor of 40 on the PCR tests.  This entire exercise seems to be to see just how long the politicians can keep the American public penned up in their homes.  Unfortunately it has been too long.