America’s Disgraced Media

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People across America fail to recognize the seriousness of media’s ability to shape a particular narrative and sell it to America.  Many people have zero appreciation for the damage that America’s news media have done to our nation.  They have zero appreciation for the fact that the media can start with something that has absolutely no basis in fact and get a majority of Americans to believe that it is indeed fact.

That’s not all of us, of course.  Many people on the conservative side of the ledger have proudly stopped reading anything from the NYTimes or WaPo.  We never switch the channel over to CNN, MSNBC or some other network that shills for the Deep State.  We attempt, through various outlets, to spread a different message.  We push back against the lies that the media spreads.

However, it is not enough.  The media still controls, to a large extent, what we talk about.  All Americans need to discard their gullibility.  Skeptical questioning of the how’s and why’s are the bedrock of a free society.  More Americans need to wake up to the fact that every crisis, manufactured or real, is an opportunity for some special interest group to try to increase their power.  There are none who are better at this than the MSM and their elite politician friends.

One example that I saw recently that hammered the point home about the media was a survey on domestic terrorism.  The survey asked the following question:  Who is the most dangerous threat in terms of domestic terrorism in America?

The Choices:

  1. White supremacists
  2. Antifa
  3. Both
  4. Neither

Antifa has been rioting across the country for four months.  Their black shirts, pants and ski masks have been ubiquitous with the riots.  Nearly every video that comes from a place where rioting takes place shows this.

So what were the results?

  1. White supremacists…43%
  2. Antifa…24%
  3. Both…21%
  4. Neither…11%

This is absolutely incredible.  There have been no riots attributed to white supremacists across the country.  There have been no mass casualty events attributed to white supremacists.  There have been no assassinations connected to white supremacists.  The same cannot be said for Antifa.

The above is the result of media reporting.  It’s from the media equating a love of country (nationalism) with white supremacy.  It’s from calling our President a racist when the true racists are in the Democratic Party.  It comes from equating Trump supporters with neo-Nazis.  This is the enormity of the power the media holds over the country.

Hrand Tookman gave us another example of this power recently.  It was in connection with the Wuhan Flu.  Yes, let’s remember who unleashed this disease on the world.  Tookman compares how the media would have handled their reporting if Hillary Clinton was President with the reporting that has dogged PDJT.

If the media wanted COVID-19 to be part of the story attached to a Hillary Clinton Presidency, it would sound something like this in the run-up to the election…

The COVID-19 virus, while brilliantly managed by our expert scientists and government administrators, has still revealed fractures in our social make-up. People who refuse to wrap their heads in the sterilized plastic headgear that’s been mandated by the WHO have exposed Americans’ ignorance and America’s greatest weaknesses.

Since PDJT is President and they take every opportunity to denigrate him, the coverage has been like this…

Thanks to the incompetent and science-denying Trump Administration, more than 200,000 people have died who shouldn’t have and another 200,000 will likely die if you re-elect him. Yes masks are morally just but nothing can save our planet if Trump is given a second term.

The real story should have been something like this…

A new virus has arisen in China and is spreading around the world.  It is called the Wuhan Flu or a more technical term would be COVID-19.  While we do not know a lot about it yet, it appears to be particularly contagious and can spread rapidly.  There is evidence that older senior citizens and those with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to the illness.  However, the vast majority of people will experience a mild illness if they display symptoms at all.  Those who might be particularly susceptible should speak with their physician.

This would have happened early on and that should have been the end of the conversation.  However, because of the roaring economy that would have easily re-elected PDJT to the Presidency, the Democrats and their media allies created a crisis to shut down that economy and create lockdowns that continue to this very day.

Tookman notes,

It’s hard to digest because you’d think just destroying our nation’s economy and tens of millions of jobs and hundreds of thousands of small businesses and stunting the growth of literally every child in America and exacerbating depression and dependency issues and domestic violence would exhaust our ability to be shocked or outraged by the media’s dishonest, destructive malpractice and their determination to collude with Democrats and meddle in our nation’s politics.

In looking back at this year, it is incredible how destructive the media have been to the country.  They have done this for one reason only.  They want the Democrats to return to power so they can continue to siphon money from the American people into their own pockets.

The media does seem to be slowly losing control of the narratives as more and more information is declassified.  More and more corruption is being exposed through these declassifications.  Anyone who has followed the stories coming out of these declassification efforts now knows that the Obama-Biden administration was up to its armpits in the sewage that was trying to prevent the Trump presidency and failing that, to overturn the results of the election.

The day of reckoning for these criminals needs to be November 3rd.