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Hollywood legend and conservative superstar Jon Voight released a stunning video on Saturday in which he openly called Democrat Joe Biden ‘evil’ and called for God to help President Trump get reelected in the upcoming election.

Voight continued, saying that Trump ‘must win’ and that the lies of the left ‘must be wiped out.’

As popculture.com reports:

The presidential election is weeks away, and public figures are voicing their support for specific candidates. Actor Jon Voight made his support clear recently with a video posted on Twitter. He referred to Democratic candidate Joe Biden as evil and said that President Donald Trump must win on Nov. 3.

“Biden is evil,” Voight said in his video. “Trump must win — he’s real. He will bring back the people’s trusts. These leftists are not for the American people. It’s the biggest cover-up ever.” He continued, saying Biden’s plan is to bring back former President Barack Obama’s policies. Voight then referred to “the left” as deceitful people.

Jon Voight proves that there is still good in Hollywood.  Voight says out loud what a lot of Hollywood types think.  But, they are afraid of being cancelled so they remain silent.

This is a spiritual battle as much as it is a political one.  Whether you believe in God or not, PDJT was put in this job for a reason.  PDJT is a man of integrity, a man who keeps his word.

Evil has taken over the Democratic Party and Joe Biden.  The evidence is there for all to see.  And more will be released before the election.