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Hrand Tookman has written an article that succinctly summarizes everything the Democrats have been doing against PDJT.  It is called projection.  That is, the Democrats try to project everything they are guilty of onto PDJT.

They’re guilty of everything they’ve accused Trump of.

They said he cheated in the 2016 election. He didn’t, but they abused the powers of government, lied to courts, manufactured evidence and lied to the American people in an attempt to make it look like he did.

They said he colluded with a foreign government to meddle in our politics. He didn’t, but they wittingly or not partnered with Putin and Russia as the infamous “Steele Dossier” on which they based their entire case and stole 3.5 years of our country’s focus was itself a work product of Russian disinformation.

They said he made COVID-19 worse than it needed to be. He didn’t, but they’ve spent the last 6 months trying to maximize our country’s pain, prolonging and promoting it every opportunity they get.

They said he’s made race relations worse in America. He hasn’t, but the media and their Democrat allies work hard every day to promote our country’s racial discord, and in doing so exacerbate it. What’s more, you could be forgiven for thinking they do it on purpose because the Democratic party has always derived its power from racial disunity and, contrary to what their media allies portray, still do today.

They said he and his family used the office to enrich themselves. They haven’t, but there’s clear evidence that Joe Biden’s children were literally selling access to their father and, as if that’s not bad enough, giving him a portion of the proceeds!

The swamp — Democrats, NeverTrump Republicans, corrupt holdovers throughout the intelligence community, and the legacy news media that serves as a PR team for all of it — they’re all guilty of everything they accused Trump of.

And most people already know that.

This post is just to shame those Biden supporters and media faithful who think we don’t.
