Random Thoughts

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Without a single measure of concern for the individuals and/or the collective group, I predict that many politicians/bureaucrats/members of the media/others will continue to deny the existence of probable cause to warrant a thorough investigation of every aspect of the 11/03/2020 election.  They are virtually inviting those Americans supporting Donald J. Trump (perhaps the recipient of the largest percentage of real votes from majorities and minorities alike) and/or the Constitution of the United States of America to take up arms as their right to insure the redress of grievances.

Those displaying no regard for the intelligence and/or the rights of the citizens they swore to serve via their oath of office have no right to expect any level of sympathy and/or tolerance as we the people proceed to relieve them of their offices/positions and render just punishment for their actions or lack thereof!

Governors/judges/secretary of states with NO authority altered the laws. Doesn’t matter that these counties are not cooperating…LAWS written by the state legislature for Federal elections (power given via the Constitution) were ignored, broken and altered by unauthorized officials. FRAUD…contest every state for non-compliance.

The President wanted to do it all “by the book” (as Obama might say) — but really meant it. As it becomes obvious every branch of the federal (and many states) government is totally corrupt — PDJT has the evidence he needs and there is only one way forward to save the Republic, because that is his ultimate goal. He’s setting it all on fire, metaphorically. Let the people see what has become of their government. He was elected to drain the swamp and he’s doing it.

Did the Democrats in Fulton County in Georgia really brag about their 94% “adjudication rate?  This is the process whereby the original ballot is destroyed and a new, adjudicated replacement is created.  Evidence in Georgia pointed to adjudication taking place in China.  That is, data was being transmitted in real time to China.

What comes to mind is the Ecclesiastes ‘there is a time for every season, a time for peace, a time for war’ and with all these pieces of darkness lined up, that begs the question – is this a time for war, or, does somehow President Trump have a handle on this?

The pandemic has been used as a cover for a coup d’etat.  The plan is to take over the planet.  America and PDJT are the obstacles in the way.  The coup plotters are converting the democratic process to a technological one as they try to impose complete economic and political control over the common people.

This problem will not change until we heed the wisdom of Jefferson, i.e., “When the people fear government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

There are many ways that ‘fear’ can be made manifest. At one time, elections were a source of fear, however, it now appears that elections are/have become merely a pantomime staged for the masses and mean nothing. Therefore, it would follow that we the people must resort to other means of creating ‘fear’ that is both real and threatening to our political class. While this is clearly NOT the way moral, civil, and lawful governments should function, sometimes, there are no other options.

To that point, I again cite Jefferson, from the Declaration of Independence, “it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”, and “…the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots”. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the only way these people will ever again “hear” us is when we demonstrate the concept of fear to them personally and with prejudice. In the meantime, I will pray for them to attain wisdom, both of this world and of God’s design.  Be in Washington on January 6th.

New Hampshire’s governor has decided to cancel his inauguration because of the threat of protests from people who are done with lockdowns and mask mandates.  A whole city in the state of Washington has decided not to enforce mandates from the state.  Sheriffs in multiple counties in California are standing down from COVID enforcement.  There are many more such activities taking place.  You will not hear about this from the NYTimes.

You are not alone.  Do not cave into them.  You can make a profound difference.

Following the call of what I consider to be one of God’s greatest gifts to me, my conscience, I will set forth to travel to DC and be among a million or more MAGA Patriots responding to President Trump’s call. Perhaps it is a clarion call for freedom; perhaps it is as pointless as howling at the moon, but I believe that this date is destined to be a pivotal point in American history, and I believe that I am being led to go.