Capitol Protesters Speak

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As I pointed out yesterday, in this age of media narrative writing that comes from whole cloth, it is great to be able to listen to primary sources, real witnesses.  More and more such people are standing up and telling their stories.  These need to be repeated far and wide.  We cannot allow the MSM to control what information gets out about what happened.

The internet allows for a greater reach for all voices that choose to stand up.  Browse through the comments sections of sites that have a big following and one will find a deluge of insights into what is going on.  It can also be a place to put true reports that can be picked up and repeated.

This is how half the country has come to believe that massive fraud took place in the election.  One certainly did not find that story on the Washington Post or the NYTimes.  They are still trying to smother that story.

So, why did hundreds of thousands of people (I was one of them) show up in DC last week to protest the results of a presidential election?  What did they hope to accomplish?  Why isn’t the media asking these questions?

We know why the media is so quiet about the rationale behind the protest.  They cannot afford to have close scrutiny come to the election results.  In fact, the media and the UniParty are trying desperately to smear anyone who was there as an insurrectionist, a traitor to the country.

Why did people show up?

John Davidson from The Federalist conducted some interviews.

Jaron Pensinger, a 21-year-old student at Georgetown University, told me he went to the protest for two reasons: to voice his opposition to what he believes are unjustifiable pandemic lockdowns, and to raise awareness about mail-in ballot fraud in the November election.

“I’m concerned that the Democrats actually changed and loosened election laws over the summer and made them less stringent,” he said. “So now more than ever we should be investigating fraud, and I felt like the Democratic Party just swept it under the rug and didn’t want to investigate anything.”

In what has become increasingly common, Pensinger became a target of a smear campaign.  His school newspaper, The Hoya, ran a hit piece on him this week.  Pensinger was accused of violating the Code of Student Conduct and a petition was created to have Pensinger brought before the Honor Council.  All because he chose to peacefully exercise his First Amendment rights.

This was clearly an attempt to intimidate Pensinger into silence.  The snowflakes at Georgetown are unable to handle the truth of what happened.  Perhaps flooding Georgetown inboxes with emails supporting the First Amendment would start a process of enlightening those trapped in an academic bubble, that there is a real world outside.

Another student was fearful of reprisals but spoke with Davidson anyway.  And she has good reason to have this fear.  The attempted purge of conservatives from society is well underway as anyone can see from the goings on in and around social media platforms.

Another college student I talked to drove six hours with her mother to attend the rally and protest. She said she felt she had “a civic duty to our country to attend,” given the “substantial evidence of voter fraud and irregularities.”

“We want to stand up and show that we’re following the news and we’re reading between the lines,” she said. “I think the mainstream media has largely failed to report upon very concerning evidence of voter fraud. And really we just wanted our voices to be heard.”

She says the crowd around her, both at the White House Ellipse where Trump spoke and when she and her mother marched to the U.S. Capitol grounds, was “calm and respectful,” and that there were a lot of young families with babies, elderly couples, and military veterans in uniform. One group had traveled all the way from Hawaii to be there.

“I absolutely did not intend to enter the capitol, I obviously did not enter the capitol, and if anyone would have told me on Tuesday or Wednesday morning that others had that intention, I would have just laughed.”

Where is this story in the MSM?  It is what was true for 99.99% of the attendees.  However, it doesn’t fit their narrative of an insurrection, of a coup attempt.  So, it doesn’t get told.  In fact, this story implies that a coup has taken place with China Joe and his handlers being the coup plotters.

There are many other stories like these.  The vast majority of protesters travelled across the country to object to what appears to have been massive fraud in our Presidential election.  This is as American as apple pie.  And the MSM would be lauding these people if they had been protesting a Trump victory.

The official fact is that 74 million Americans voted for PDJT.  If the stories about Dominion and Smartmatic are true, the true number is probably much closer to 80 million.  Most of these people are angry.  That makes the MAGA movement very dangerous to the swamp critters who inhabit Washington.

As Sundance has noted,

There is no precedent here. Seventy-four million angry Americans resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.  The extreme actions taken by all of the social media tech oligarchs to control their platforms is a result of the need to control a large assembly of voices who can see the illegitimacy of JoeBama’s presidency.

We do not yet know where this current political crisis is going to end; but we do know that 74,000,000+ Americans will not accept the outcome of a political process transparently filled with fraud and manipulation. That makes President Trump a very dangerous entity to the DC system; thus, the intense efforts to ridicule, isolate and marginalize.

There is no reference point for 74+ million Americans being disenfranchised by Wall Street, bribery, corporations, media and big tech. That 74+ million person army is fuel for a stunning and cataclysmic shift in the American landscape.

The Republicans probably believe that they can coopt the MAGA movement for their own purposes just as they did in many places with the Tea Party movement. That won’t happen.  The Tea Party movement did not have a leader like PDJT.

Evil has taken over our government.  It needs to be neutralized.  That cannot happen soon enough for me.