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Joe Biden held a virtual inauguration event on Saturday.  There were several Hollywood stars who participated in the event.  A little over 1,000 people actually watched the event live.  Hours after the event was over, the number had only risen to 24,000.

Meanwhile PDJT delivered remarks at the Wall at the Alamo last week.  Over 800,000 watched the event on the Right Side Broadcasting Network LIVE.

There is no way that Biden got 81 million votes.  Massive fraud took place.  They know it.  We know it.  The world knows it.  This explains why DC is beginning to look like a fortified encampment.  25,000 troops are being brought in to “protect the city.”  Protect it from what?

Downtown Washington looks like Baghdad with different zones (red and green) and where one must pass checkpoints to be able to move around the city.  Four of the main bridges in and out of D.C. from Virginia will be closed for 48 hours around the inauguration.  In fact, people were being required to show ID to LEAVE the city.  Why?

Just what are they afraid of in the center for democracy? If Joe Biden needs 25,000 troops to protect his inauguration, perhaps he wasn’t elected by the people.

Of course, these restrictions are supposed to be temporary, just for the inauguration.  Is this a test of just what liberties the people will allow to be taken away?

Evil is roaming the country-side.  The Cancel culture continues unabated.  Students and alumni at Harvard are demanding that the school revoke the degrees of graduates who worked in and/or supported the Trump administration.  That would include people like Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.  They couched this in language that included white supremacist voter suppression and violent insurrection.

All of this is because Cruz stood up for Americans who supported a review of the election fraud.  As Mike LaChance noted, you know who else has a Harvard degree?  Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber.  Was there ever a petition to revoke his degree?

Dr. Ari Joffe, a Canadian infectious-disease specialist who initially supported the lockdowns in response to the coronavirus, has changed his mind, concluding in his peer-reviewed study that the harm is 10 times worse than the benefits.  This sounds very ”anti-science.”  I am sure Dr. Fauci would disagree with Joffe’s conclusions.

He listed the “staggering” amount of “collateral damage” due to the lockdowns.

  • Food insecurity [82-132 million more people]
  • Severe poverty [70 million more people]
  • Maternal and under age-5 mortality from interrupted healthcare [1.7 million more people]
  • Infectious diseases deaths from interrupted services [millions of people with tuberculosis, malaria and HIV]
  • School closures for children [affecting children’s future earning potential and lifespan]
  • Interrupted vaccination campaigns for millions of children, and “intimate partner violence” for millions of women.

This sounds an awful lot what many people have been saying for a long time.  There was only one reason to lockdown the economy.  That was to diminish PDJT’s chances at re-election.  When that did not work, they resorted to massive fraud.

At the same time, the World Health Organization has acknowledged that PCR testing for COVID-19 is an unreliable method of identifying asymptomatic cases and shouldn’t be used for that purpose.  This is something that those of us who understand science have been saying for a long time.  (The inventor of the PCR method said the same thing back in 1993).  Even the NYTimes had said so back during the summer.

Experts have been saying for months that PCR testing yields too many false positives. It’s been driving the number of “cases” up in a way that has no useful purpose for public health.  It means we don’t have as many “cases” as current tallies indicate, for any purpose meaningful to public health management.  In some situations the false positive rate has been as high as 90%.  This means that many people have been put out of work for no good reason.

But the political impact of the WHO announcement is that it opens the door to shifting the basis of testing, so that the growth in cases can fall dramatically. Miraculously, this door has been opened just before Inauguration Day in the U.S.  How surprising!  Not!

It’s like watching a toddler run a psychological operation – psyop – on us.

High-level editors at The New York Post instructed staff members this past week not to use reporting from CNN, MSNBC, The Times and The Washington Post as the sole basis for any Post article.  A NYPost spokeswoman declined to comment.

That makes sense because all four outlets place their Corporate Communist ideology ahead of the truth.  Still it is surprising to see this coming from a media outlet as prominent as the NYPost.

Another thought on the situation in DC with the assembling of a huge National Guard presence. What is the command structure for the deployment?  The commander of the DC National Guard unit has total command of the units coming from other states.

The basis for the deployment is Title 32 of US Federal law. This allows Guard members to perform law enforcement duties if requested.  Normally in the states in this situation, the governor is the commander-in-chief for purposes of command structure.  However, this is DC which is not a state.  The mayor does not have the powers of a governor and has no command relationship with the DC unit.

The requests for National Guard support come from the mayor through the Secretary of the Army.  However, the Secretary of the Army does not exercise operational command.  Command of the troops is exercised by the D.C Guard commander. And whom does the D.C. Guard commander report to?

The President.

A quote for these times from Mark Twain

It doesn’t matter what the press says.
It doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say.
It doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that
something wrong is something right.
Republics are founded on one principle above all else:
The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in,
no matter the odds or consequences.
When the mob and the press and
the whole world tell you to move;
Your job is to plant yourself like a tree
beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”