President’s Day

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On Monday crowds of supporters gathered on the road to Mar-a-Lago to cheer and celebrate President Donald Trump.  This was a huge show of love for PDJT today as he returned to Mar-a-Lago after a day on the links.

This is another one of those “this doesn’t happen” thing. Remember during the campaign when a TRUMP sign ala the Hollywood sign appeared in the hills around LA. And tens of thousands of people showed up for rally after rally, the crowds increasing as time went on. Toward the end 40k, 50k and 60k people were showing up.

Then there were the spontaneous gatherings of large numbers of Trump supporters in unlikely places like Beverly Hills. And mega Trump parades of all types, all over the country – a hundred miles of cars, hundreds of boats and bikers, long-haul truckers, golf carts, and an Amish horse and buggy parade, for Pete’s sake. This was all real.  We saw it day after day, momentum and enthusiasm off the charts.

Over 1.1 million views of the RSBN show.

This was a wonderful President’s Day tribute to PDJT, the greatest President the country has ever had.  What a contrast to the avatar in the White House who hides behind razor wire and a ten-foot wall.  This level of support has to drive Pelosi and McConnell crazy.  They know that Trump (and us) won the election, know that Biden/Harris aren’t legitimate holders of their offices.

PDJT is about America and Americans.  He is leading the largest and most diverse group of the American electorate ever.  And it will grow larger as gas prices rise, taxes go up and millions of jobs are lost.

I believe PDJT when he says the best is yet to come, somehow, someway. Regardless of the form President Trump’s support takes – new party, same party, hybrid party, whatever – we are going nowhere except with the best President ever.

This is uplifting after all the negativity from the media during the faux impeachment.  We The People are speaking.