The Clock Is Ticking Down

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Watch this video from Monday.  Biden cannot remember the name of the Pentagon, or the name of his Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin.  And this man is in charge of the nuclear codes.

God save the world.

As The Gipper Lives noted:

Here’s the problem:

If they dump him so soon, it is an admission that they knew he was too far gone when they installed him.

That was the judgement of the voters and one more reason why they chose Actual PDT in a landslide. To dump now also tacitly admits that fact.

If they admit he was unfit, it also means he’s a puppet of Hussein Obama, just as Medvedev was Putin’s puppet.

Biden IS Obama’s puppet of course and all the politicians, the press and most of the country know it. But like the old Soviet Union, you’re not supposed to say true things out loud.

Pro Tip: Do not wander around Seth Rich’s neighborhood after dark, Joey.

If they are forced to send him to the Parkinson’s ward this soon, they will count on the Agit-Prop Media to normalize this freak show and censor any truth. They’ll throw up huge clouds of “THE FIRSTEST WOMAN PREZNIT!!!”–gorilla dust to hide their shame. But it will be just another lie in the unending Lie that is now American Life and Everybody Knows It

I agree with this analysis.  Biden is going downhill fast.  I’ll bet that they wanted him to last until at least the Fall.   His incompetence is the most open secret in Washington.

A stroke is the most likely story they will go with since he has had two aneurisms in the past.  It would look bad to do it before the Fall but nature may be forcing the issue.  And Biden is supposed to address the nation this week.  Will his incompetence be allowed to surface?  If so, everyone will know that the end of the avatar’s presidency will be near.