The New Normal

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More and more people are waking up to the fact that fear of COVID-19 is being used to fundamentally transform America.  First amendment liberties were stripped away across the country to fight a virus that is no more deadly than the flu.  In fact, as more and more data comes out, it turns out that the only people who should be really concerned about this virus are the same people who are more susceptible to complications from the flu.

However, the left is not yet ready to give up.

(VIA CBS) “We’ve been told that this virus will disappear. But it will not,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and medical director of the National Foundation For Infectious Diseases, tells CBS News.

“We need to control it. We need to diminish its impact. But it’s going to be around hassling us for the foreseeable future. And by that I mean — years.”

[…] Schaffner says it would be best to give up the idea of going “back to normal,” and instead settle in for the “new normal” where COVID continues shaping our lives. (read more)

Dr. Schaffner and others like him in his field are political narrative engineers.  They will be used to justify “vaccine passports.”  Such passports are being promoted by the Avatar in the White House.  Biden is a political pawn being controlled by Machiavellian types who have only one goal, that being total control of the country.  Passports would allow control over travel, business operations, how and when schools are open, attendance at entertainment venues, going to grandmas, etc.  Everyday Americans would have to get used to the old Gestapo phrase “Papers, please” to participate in society.  I am sure it will be updated to say “Passports, please.”

Ultimately this would lead to control over all aspects of the lives of everyone in the country.  This is a communist’s dream come true.   Unbridled liberty and freedom are a threat to that dream.

All this is being done despite the fact that COVID-19 is a very manageable illness with an almost 100% cure rate.  Without a vaccine, very safe drugs that have been around for decades, (think hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin), have been shown to be highly effective against the virus for those where the illness is more than just a case of the sniffles for a few days.

Herd immunity for most of America appears to be just around the corner as new cases have dropped like a stone since early January, long before vaccines could have had any effect.  Vaccines, if they are effective at all, should continue to help to improve that situation.

However, the Left will not give up.  It would be unwise to believe that they will.  Sundance over at CTH has warned about the use of COVID-19 to extend federal government control over all aspects of life in America.

On the day after his inauguration JoeBama’s team unleashed a series of TEN EXECUTIVE ORDERS fully weaponizing the opportunity.

(1) Executive order on COVID worker Safety, weaponized Dept of Labor, OSHA. Literally word-for-word what CTH predicted. [Predictions HERE and HERE]

(2) Executive order on COVID school safety, weaponized the Dept of Education. Leverages federal funds, grants. Supports the education labor union effort. Exactly as expected.

(3) Executive order creating COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force. Weaponizing the HHS takeover; the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Education, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Again, exactly as predicted.

(4) Executive order using National Health Crisis as a security threat. Weaponizing the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(5) Executive order taking over National Guard. The domestic terrorists need a category within the health emergency. The isolation and detainment camps need security. “Support of Operations or Missions to Prevent and Respond to the Spread of COVID-19. (a) The Secretary of Defense shall, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with mission requirements (including geographic proximity), request pursuant to 32 U.S.C. 502(f) that all State and territorial governors order National Guard forces to perform duty to fulfill mission assignments.”

(6) Executive order taking control of travel. “The Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Secretary of Transportation (including through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)), the Secretary of Homeland Security (including through the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard).

You can read the rest HERE.

The Federal Government, under the guise of a public health crisis, is being weaponized against the American public.  The Communists Democrats will not seek the legislative approval of any elected body to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic to a totalitarian state where the government tells you what is good for you.

It is up to the free states (red states) to push back against these unlawful/unconstitutional executive orders. The free states should also recall their national guard troops from Washington. More importantly, it is up to WE THE PEOPLE to let the corrupt politicians in DC, and any compliant corporations who are sucking up to them, know that we will not heed their unlawful regulations.

This will not be easy because the control of the media rests firmly in the hands of the communists Democrats.  We are a free people and we must not allow ourselves to become slaves. Yet that is where we are headed.  We must hit these people in their pocketbooks.  This is the only language that they understand.

Start picking targets.