Dear Legacy Media:  You Are Right To Be Afraid

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Hrand Tookman over at LBA has written a piece about the media.  In it Tookman calls out the absolute evil of those who work within the “woke supremacy” of most media outlets.

What if you’re not “the cool kids?”

I know you think you are.

But have you ever considered that you might not be?

That you might actually be the douchebags?

Seriously. Your bubble is so airtight and you’re all so bought-in. How would you even know it if, in fact, there were people much cooler than you with much cooler ideas who were set to accomplish much cooler things?

You don’t listen. You don’t investigate. You sure as hell don’t care.

You only propagandize, and only in promotion of the America-hating, often racist and increasingly fascist left.

And what if, despite your best efforts, that’s exactly how history records it?

Few people today really know that Democrats, academia, Hollywood, corporate America and the legacy news media all used “science” to justify their Nazi-era support for eugenics. It was only after the Nazis lost that your “liberal” ancestors buried all traces of their genocidal celebration.

I urge everyone to read the entire Twitter thread that is linked above.  The parallels that are drawn between what is going on today with masks, lockdowns, etc. and the eugenics idiocy of 100 years ago are chilling.  In those days it was white supremacy.  Today it is woke supremacy.  The evil is the same.

Tookman went on:

They were able to bury it because, back then, the media still firmly ran the show.

That’s changing at a pace everyone in your world knows can’t be stopped. The formal beginning of the end is November 2022, and you all know it.

But do you know why it changed, over all these years? Why you no longer have the ability to cover up your part in the ugliness you work so hard to produce?

It’s because everyone except your tiny army of Twitter bots and city looters has become acutely aware that you are in fact the douchebags.

You’re nowhere near cool.

You’re lying, angry, hateful scolds perpetuating nothing but division and disinformation.

Is there any question that the media does nothing except promote division, smear those who disagree with far left policies and censor information?  PDJT tapped into the groundswell that was rising up against these totalitarian and fascist policies in 2016.  He showed in November that the people are seeing through the lies of the media when he garnered more votes than any sitting President in history.

Tookman went on to call out the Nazi-like book burning (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. censorship), racism and fascism of those on the far left who now think they hold the reins of power.

A recent example of censorship comes in the form of an article by Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford.  Bhattacharya writes about the panel of scientists advising Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, and the roundtable discussion they recently had that YouTube decided needed to be hidden from the public.  The other panelists were Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard and Scott Atlas of Stanford.

Writes Bhattacharya:

But last week YouTube removed a recording of this routine policy discussion from its website. The company claimed my fellow panel members and I were trafficking in misinformation. The company said it removed the video “because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Yet the panelists are all experts, and all spoke against requiring children to wear masks.

This is only “misinformation” because it undermines the control of the people that the far left hungers after.

Tookman notes:

And as a result, now we’re coming in hot as the counter-culture too!

I mean — you guys really f**ked yourselves.

You spent your careers lying to America, trying to tell us we’re something we’re not, denying the entire time that the conservative right is what’s truly “mainstream” in America.

And so visible are your myriad psychoses today and so not-even-kinda-cool is your violence, book-burning, racism and fascism, that we’re also now the dominant “Truth To Power” force reverberating increasingly authoritatively all throughout the social and cultural undercurrents.

My point is, charitably: you should at least move around a little and check out a few other scenes before history captures you permanently right where you are. Heck you might even learn something.

Because you’re not cool. And the reality is, you never were.

The lie you’ve been telling us all these years is no different than the one you’ve been telling yourselves.

It is time to call out the lies of the media every single time they are uttered.  It is time to pushback against the cabal that would end America as we know it.  All of us who value America as a beacon of light to the world are a “Truth To Power” force to be reckoned with.