The People’s President

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The people’s President, Donald J Trump, delivered a message to the people on Memorial Day.

Hat Tip…Sundance

On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history. On distant battlefields, in far-off oceans, and high in the skies above, they faced down our enemies and gave their lives so that America would prevail. They made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our Nation can thrive in peace. It is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of America’s glorious destiny.

We owe all that we are, and everything we ever hope to be, to these unrivaled heroes. Their memory and their legacy is immortal. Our loyalty to them and to their families is eternal and everlasting.

America’s warriors are the single greatest force for justice, peace, liberty, and security among all the nations ever to exist on earth. God bless our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Airmen, and Marines. We honor them today, forever, and always.” (LINK)

Without a doubt, PDJT loves our troops.  He stated on more than one occasion that the worst thing about being President was dealing with deaths in our military.

Stephen Huddlestun noted:

He was very precise, in describing the hardest thing the President has to do. This is a rough quote: “it is signing letters to families of soldiers that have been killed. And it’s not in an area where there is any upside at all, only downside, only more and more years of conflict and no winning, no victory, no collapse of the demonic regime in charge, no reward for that precious sacrifice of life.

“Each letter is different, personal and responsible to the individual family. Some weeks there will be several, last week five in Afghanistan, one in Iraq and one from Syria. Sometimes the President will call the parents, sometimes he will go to Dover when he can to see the parents.
“You know we have special people that perform this function for each family and accommodate their needs at this juncture. . . 

” It is very true, very revealing about we humans, the emotions that burst forth out of the breast of those parents, spouses and close family. When they see the President earlier, they will say, ‘Mr. President, thank you so much for being here.’ And they are smiling and then I see it twenty minutes later when the big plane pulls up. They walk the flag draped coffin with the body inside . . . the President has seen people who He did not understand how they were taking it so well, minutes earlier—scream, like he has never seen anything before. Sometimes they will run to the coffin, past the decorated personnel surrounding it, and jump on top of the coffin as mothers and wives in an indescribably, palpable burst of emotions, crying in desperation.”

O, how he understood this and those endless wars!

PDJT understands the meaning of Memorial Day better than most Presidents.  I am sure that this part of the job was why he was reluctant to deploy our troops and he was eager to bring them home.  Despite this PDJT never compromised the safety of our country.  He did not enter into any “deals” with terrorist regimes.  He was truly the “People’s President.”