Election Audit Update

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In Maricopa County, Arizona, the physical ballot counting is almost complete.  In the meantime, delegations from Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alaska, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, Washington State and Michigan have all attended and reviewed the operation.  They have been uniformly impressed with the security and transparency of the process.  It is being called the “gold standard” of audits.  Kelli Ward reports.

Main stream Democrats have been calling the audit dangerous for democracy.  Why?  Preliminary indications are that the final tally of the physical ballots will not even come close to the number of ballots reported.  In some reports the number of ballots that they are short is in the range of 200,000.  If this is true, it will match the prediction of Dr. Frank about Maricopa County.   In other words it is slowly becoming apparent that widespread election fraud was at work in Arizona.  Clearly this is dangerous for the Democrats not democracy.

As noted above, ten other states have toured the operation and are considering audits of their own.  As surely as the fact that the sun rises in the East every day, the politicized DOJ has jumped in again to threaten the full weight of the DOJ against any such audit process anywhere.

Sundance reports:

Apparently the DOJ is very worried about the ongoing movements to audit U.S. election systems and identify voter fraud issues.  Attorney General Merrick Garland announces today that the Justice Department will double the number of federal employees inside the DOJ civil rights division and scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations.

Obviously the first set of inquiries into U.S. election systems is discovering multiple flaws and ways that vote outcomes can be manipulated.  More states are taking note of the myriad of election integrity issues as an outcome of the 2020 election which was transparently flawed.  The groundswell is picking up and several states are reviewing the audit procedures currently underway in Arizona.

While Garland’s announcement is couched in language highlighting the DOJ’s commitment to “protecting voting rights,” it is clearly a threat against anyone who would dare to question the outcome of the 2020 election.

This is no different than arresting people who entered the Capitol Building on January 6th, and then keeping them in solitary confinement for months on end.  Dissent must be crushed.  All those who dissent must be seen as domestic terrorists who are trying to upend the democratic processes of this country.  Thus Garland is rushing to get the narrative out that such actions are coming from oppressors.  And by definition, oppressors must be caged and silenced.

I have had my hopes raised before about exposing the fraud in this election.  I was there in Washington on January 6th.  I do not want be too optimistic.  However, with lawfare working so hard to stop these audits and now the DOJ trying to scare and intimidate the auditors, I am beginning to believe that the good guys might just win this one for our great country.

if indications are accurate, it proves that the advertised, certified results are complete hooey. Will this incentivize citizens in other states to prod their own legislatures to audit their own operations?  if it does, then a complete unzipping of the electoral count is possible, and we’re in new waters.

Time to get some popcorn.