Odds and Ends

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On the election fraud frontline, information coming out of Arizona on Thursday shows massive problems with the election tallies in Maricopa County.

This may be stunning.  However, as Jovan Pultizer noted, this is just a very small part of what will eventually be provided.

It seems that the audit team and their sponsors in the Arizona Senate have decided on a slow expose of all the problems.  I agree with this let-the-air-out-slowly strategy.  This will make it difficult to bury the story.  A steady dripping of the information in the audit will expose more people to the facts contained within it.

Let’s remember that there were some 500,000 more votes in the 2020 election in Arizona than the average Presidential election.  Where did they come from?

President Trump weighed in:

I have talked with people who are getting weary with all of the time that has passed without an overturning of the election results.  This is the strategy of the Democrats.  They hope that people will eventually walk away and say Biden stole it but there is nothing we can do.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

Your voice can make a difference.

PDJT is a lion who is still fighting for us.

From a commenter:

The most effective man to ever sit in the oval office. Has revealed to me, us and the whole world.

How totally corrupt our Intel community is.
How corrupt our media is.
How corrupt our judicial system is.
How corrupt our justice system is.
How every institution of government from the irs to the cdc and even the post office are just democrat tools WE pay for.

He’s outed the job killing chamber of commerce.
Exposed the RINO infestation in the Republican party.

Exposed the education industry as the corrupt democrat indoctrination centers they are.

How corrupt our military is.
How trade agreements are intentionally designed to kill the middle class.
I could go on and on.

But for his
He’s responsible for exposing the greatest lie ever told….
That America has free and FAIR ELECTIONS!


And he did all of that and more without the support of his own party.


As if right on cue, the White House revealed that they have created a Ministry of Truth.

Of course, Psaki did not call it that.  Psaki said that the administration has been working with Facebook to flag content they find “problematic.”  Jen Psaki’s statement was specifically related to COVID-19 information.

This is rather remarkable.  Our government is actively suppressing speech.  Not that we did not know.  2020 exposed this in Big Media and Big Tech.  The claim last year was that these companies are private and they can choose what is posted on their sites.

However, this is a straight forward admission that this administration does not believe in the Bill of Rights, specifically the 1st Amendment that guarantees freedom of speech.

Sundance notes:

…this is a direct admission the U.S. government is the determining voice on speech.  That admission now makes this a FIRST AMENDMENT issue.

Previously the Democrats, leftists, media allies and the Biden administration all said Big Tech censorship, the banning of conservative voices/opinions, was a matter of private businesses making decisions on their own without government influence and therefore no ‘First Amendment’ issues are in place.  This admission from the White House today is exactly the opposite.   Let the lawsuits commence.

Mark Levin noted that Psaki has handed President Trump’s lawyers the greatest gift to support Trump’s case against Facebook. He said the lawyers need to get a transcript of what she said and modify their case.  Her words are evidence that the government is using Facebook to violate the First Amendment.  Trump’s case is built around the idea that Facebook, et al, are state actors.

One last thought.  This is from a commenter about the Psaki admissions.

First they came for the anti-feminists.
I didn’t say anything because I’m not an anti-feminist.

First they came for the climate change deniers.
I didn’t say anything because I’m not a climate change denier.

Then they came for the white nationalists
I didn’t say anything because I’m not a white nationalist.

Then they came for the anti-vaxxers.
I didn’t say anything because I’m not an anti-vaxxer.

Then they came for the facebook misinformation spreaders.
I didn’t say anything because I’m not a facebook misinformation spreader.

Then they came for me.

(Not to make light of the original quotation, but the same idea applies here.)

Once again, I say it is time to stand up and be heard.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.


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