They call being a Republican treason

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Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. A Democrat assassinated him. Now Democrats and Fake Republicans are using Lincoln’s name to try to eliminate the Republican Party as a viable participant in America’s political process.

Lincoln’s name has long been used by both parties to enhance their chances with Americans. The Lincoln Project is part of the Democrats’ efforts to derail Republican attempts to win back Congress next year.  It is being used to smear Republicans as traitors and worse.

Naming this anti-American project after Lincoln is an old communist trick. Back the 1930s, communists recruited the Lincoln Brigade (also known as the Lincoln Battalion) of Americans to fight alongside the communists in the Spanish Civil War.

The Lincoln Project has hired Joe Trippi to lead this effort.  His conservative credits include Ted Kennedy’s 1980 presidential bid and John Edwards in 2008.

Trippi wrote in USA Today,

“There are no longer two healthy parties in America. The catastrophic mistake for our nation is to continue to see the fight as Democrats vs. Republicans, left vs. right. We are at war with an authoritarian movement fueled by former President Donald Trump. It includes many of the 147 Republicans who signed on to treason with their Jan. 6 votes objecting to Joe Biden’s win, and it has grown since then.”

I agree with Trippi that America is fighting an authoritarian movement.  In fact, I would characterize it more fully as a totalitarian movement which would have the façade of “free elections” to pretend that the people have a voice.  We see this in many third world countries.  Perhaps the most glaring example recently has been Venezuela, the birthplace of the fraudulent election systems recently used in this country.

The item that Trippi gets wrong is who is authoritarian.  Trippi argues that PDJT is an authoritarian, when just the opposite is true. A real strongman would have found some way to use COVID to his advantage in the 2020 election. Instead PDJT stayed within constitutional norms while his opponents used every trick in the book to defraud the American public.

A dictator would jail dissidents indefinitely for minor crimes without trial — as the Avatar in the White House is doing with the people who entered the Capitol on January 6. And some of these people have been held in solitary confinement for the crime of trespassing while prosecutors play cutesie with the courts.  Prosecutors are claiming a grand conspiracy to overthrow the government and that they have to keep these people locked up to protect the public.  Little evidence has been revealed to support such a claim.

A real authoritarian would have had the military shut down the real insurrections during the summer of 2020 by Antifa and BLM.  Instead PDJT left it up to the individual governors to indicate what kind of help was needed.  This is exactly how our constitutional republic is supposed to work.

Trippi is calling for One People, One Nation, One Leader!

Trippi wrote, “Every American, every corporation, the news media and the social platforms need to understand that there are no longer two functioning political parties in our country. Straddling between them is failing to understand our circumstances and the threat of an authoritarian movement that seeks to take power by any means. It’s time for all Americans to join this fight. Not one party over another. But all Americans against an authoritarian movement and its poison until it dies and another generation of Americans ensures that our democracy lives.”

Again I agree with Trippi.  What he gets wrong is who the problem really is.  It is the Uniparty in Washington who has sold out the American public.  And every corporation, news media outlet and social media platform already understand that.  Right now the Democrats are using every means at their disposal to take and hold onto power.

What Trippi is calling for is a totalitarian government like we see in China.  Such a government would attempt to coerce Americans into complete servitude to the government.  How close are we to such a state?

Republicans voting against Democrats in the House is now called treason. We have heard this over and over.  It is clear that the left no longer is satisfied with just going after Trump voters. Talking about “re-educating” them is not enough.  The left is after all the opposition. If they succeed, the question asked under a bright light will be are you now or have you ever been a Republican?

It seems that the Democrats are becoming more desperate.  PDJT beat them so badly in November they had to suspend counting so that they could create more fraudulent ballots. And this was after all the cheating they had done before that.

It is time for all Americans to say, “ENOUGH!”  It’s time for all Americans to stand against the authoritarian government in Washington.  This poison must be eradicated.   Only then will democracy live for the next generation of Americans.  Then we will not need to ask are you now or have you ever been a Democrat?