Withdrawing Consent

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On the same day that Fuhrer Wilhelm DiBlasio is instituting apartheid in NYC, the residents of deep blue San Diego are engaging in significant pushback against a similar proposal there.   Citizens, not subjects, showed up and delivered an ultimatum to the County Board of Supervisors. As one speaker said, “We withdraw our consent.”

KUSI – […] “Hundreds of businesses have already signed a Business Equality Pledge and posted a Proclamation pledging not to discriminate. Citizens are also signing a petition to refuse to comply with these arbitrary and unconstitutional requirements. The rally attendees are not anti-vax, but they are simply against all medical mandates.

The community members and leaders were fired up, and to put it simply, directly called out the San Diego County Board of Supervisors for their overreaching rule, telling them to their face they have forgotten their oath to protect the constitution. (more)

Some excerpts:

This kind of activity went on for over four hours.  Mostly two-minute speeches.

The resistance is growing.  It will only become stronger and stronger as more people realize that they have a right to say “No!”  This kind of activity is encouraging.  It shows that even deep in the middle of so-called Democratic strongholds, Americans are waking up to the insanity that masquerades as government.

The fire is catching.  It needs to spread across the country.  And kudos to KUSI for their coverage of this.  We all know networks that would have cut the feed.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.
