Suppressing Medications

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There are extremely effective ways of treating and preventing COVID.  Big Pharma and the government are doing everything they can to keep people from knowing it.  Why?  Because they are making insane amounts of money selling you vaccines.

Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. Elizabeth Vliet went on Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss their experiences in dealing with the COVID virus.  This included the previously unheard of action by pharmacies preventing the filling of duly authorized prescriptions from legitimate doctors.  It appears that “woke” pharmacies have now decided doctors do not know what is best for their patients.  This follows the firing of doctors from different hospitals because they would not stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for their patients.

Dr. Tyson related his success in treating COVID.  Tyson has developed multi-drug treatment protocols for his 6,200 COVID patients.  Not one has died.  When he reported his success on Facebook, Twitter, etc., he wound up being banned.  He was smeared as a quack, a nutjob who didn’t know what he was talking about.  Some pharmacies refused to fill his prescriptions.  In some cases this was at the direction of state licensing boards.

Dr. Vliet talked about the problem with pharmacies in particular CVS.  She explained that it was CVS corporate policy not to dispense either HCQ or Ivermectin from legitimate prescriptions.  Why?

Dr. Vliet stated:

“It is unconscionable.  It is an interference between doctor and patient.  It cannot continue.  There are lawsuits underway to stop it.”

Vliet goes on to say that doctors are being prevented from practicing medicine because state boards are taking marching orders from Dr. Fauci and his ilk.  These people claim that no treatment protocols exist for COVID.  They apply pressure to “woke” corporations like Walgreens and CVS to refuse to fill such prescriptions for HCQ and Ivermectin.

The result of such pressure are instructions like this:

If someone came in with a scrip for HCQ or IVM, that the phamacist should call the doc to confirm, IN WRITING, that the scrip is for an “on label’ condition.

If it wasn’t, refuse to fill it.


While long-term studies do not exist for HCQ and Ivermectin against COVID, there are plenty of studies attesting to the safety of these drugs.  Contrast this with all of the serious side effects from the so-called vaccines.  There are also plenty of studies attesting to the success of HCQ and Ivermectin against COVID.

How many people have died needlessly because of the suppression of knowledge about effective treatments by Dr. Fauci and his cohorts?

These state boards are now populated with politicians not physicians.  This impinges on medical freedom and the rights of doctors to pursue the best outcomes for their patients.

It is time to cancel pharmacies that won’t fill legitimate prescriptions.

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