Extraordinary Success

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I took the opportunity on Tuesday to review the address that the occupant of the White House gave about the drawdown of US forces in Afghanistan.  In it the occupant called the drawdown an “extraordinary success.”  This got me to thinking about other “extraordinary successes” that have been had by this administration in a little over seven months.  I have come up with eight such successes.  I am sure there are more.  Feel free to post your own in the comments.

First, there is the “extraordinary success” of raising gasoline prices by 50% or more across most of the country.  This is also reflected in the prices for other energy products as well.  Who but Joe Biden could have achieved such a feat!  This accomplishment has reduced the income of all  Americans.  However, it has the greatest impact on those who work paycheck to paycheck.

Way to go, Joe.  You are well on the way to making these people dependent on the government for their very survival.  That was your goal, wasn’t it?

Second, there is the “extraordinary success” of convincing more than half of America to be injected with a poison.  This has already led to “adverse events” that are many thousands of percents higher than any vaccine in history.  More people have died from getting jabbed than from all vaccines in the last twenty years.  Way to go, Joe!

Third, this is a corollary to #2.  There is the “extraordinary success” of filling the pockets of Big Pharma with oodles of money.  This is like no other President in history.  It is the direct result of suppressing information about effective treatments for the disease so that it appeared that vaccines were the only way out of the pandemic.  Of course, there was the collateral damage of some 300,000+ unnecessary deaths in this country.  But what are a few hundred thousand unnecessary deaths when oodles of money are involved?

Fourth, there was the “extraordinary success” of bequeathing Blackhawk helicopters to the Tal-eee-ban.  Such a gift has enabled them to fly over cities and hang people in full view of the population below.  This has allowed to Tal-eee-ban to terrorize more easily all of the people.  It is hard to imagine any other method that could be as successful in spreading such an all-encompassing terror.  Way to go, Joe!

Fifth, there is the “extraordinary success” of gifting multiple terrorist groups with more than $80 billion of advanced weaponry.  No President in history enjoyed such success in arming terrorist groups.  President Obama’s Fast and Furious program and the shipping weapons to ISIS in Syria and Iraq pales in comparison.

Sixth, this is a corollary to #5.  There is the “extraordinary success” of filling the pockets of US defense contractors.  The military equipment left behind will need to be replaced.  This will result in more oodles of money flowing to well-connected companies and individuals.

Seventh, there has been the “extraordinary success” in fracturing the confidence of our allies in America’s commitment to them.  This was accomplished through the unilateral withdrawal of our troops in Afghanistan without notifying our allies.  I am certain that Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and our allies in NATO are re-evaluating their relationships with America.  No other President could have accomplished this in so short a period of time.  Joe is a miracle worker.

Eighth, Biden has enjoyed “extraordinary success” in keeping one of his campaign promises.  That was to bring America together.  In this he has been wildly successful.  He has become the best recruiting poster his political opponents could ever have hoped for.  Biden has united much of America against the ruling elites in Washington.  On this one I will say, “Thank you, Joe.”  If it turns out to be enough to save America, I will be happy to say “Thank you” again.