Flat Earthers

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Those who refuse to have a poison injected into their bodies are “flat earthers” according to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.  Speaking to Kentuckians recently, Becerra said:

“Because some ‘flat earthers,’ especially those in places of influence, choose to peddle fiction, we’re losing more of our loved ones today than we were a few months ago.”

Flat-Earthers, as the name suggests, are people who believe the Earth is flat, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Flat-Earthers believe statements that the Earth is round to be some conspiracy promoted by governments, space agencies, and private corporations.

Becerra’s “flat earther” comment was intended to shame and smear anyone who independently analyzes COVID data and comes to the conclusion that they do not need to get jabbed.  In Becerra’s mind such people are back country rubes who know little or nothing about medicine.  Becerra was also trying to pit the haves against the have-nots by spouting a fiction that people are dying because some refuse the jab.

Becerra is just part of the crew in the administration that believes everyone must bow down and obey them whenever they speak.  And there must be no questioning of their authority to demand compliance.  Even the kings of old did not have as much power.

The fact that these so-called “flat earthers” are actually right about the science of immunity for people who have recovered from COVID is particularly galling.  Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who actually is a medical doctor, took Becerra to task at a Senate hearing.

This video is about 6½ minutes long but is well worth your time if you believe that Americans should be free to make their own medical decisions.

Communication is key to all parts of life.  Throughout COVID we have seen the impact of communication – how information is shared, how actions result and the importance of clarity.  Truth matters.  Honesty matters.  It is through communication that people learn what they need to make the best decisions.

Rand Paul makes it clear that Becerra is not only an impediment to clear, honest communication, but is actually an active participant in a campaign that suppresses such communication.

When Becerra tries to sidestep a question about a study in Israel covering some 2.5 million people, Sen. Paul does not allow him to wriggle away to hide under some rock.  In fact, Sen. Paul tells him in front of the world that it is his job to know about these things if he is going to opine about what is best for Americans.

Paul calls out Becerra has having “an arrogance that is unseemly and un-American.”  Paul then eviscerates Becerra for his opposition to real science and to “quit lying about naturally acquired immunity.”    Paul goes on to tell him to stop “lording it over people acting as if these people are deplorable and unwashed.”

As Sen. Paul noted, there is no more basic right than deciding what we inject into our bodies.

When Becerra tries to say that they rely on “the science,” Paul corrects him about what the real science is.  Paul then states what many Americans are thinking.  That is, the coercion campaign for vaccination is simply about control, about Americans submitting to the commands of the government that have no scientific basis.  The campaign is “Do as you’re told.”  In other words, tyranny replaces freedom in this country.

Paul completes his inquiry by pointing out the complete idiocy of requiring health care workers to get the jab or lose their jobs when they have already had COVID.

Without actually saying so out loud, Sen. Paul has shown the world who Becerra really is.  He is not a flat-earther. Becerra is a far-left communist in the mold of those who shaped Barack Obama. Becerra’s job is to weaponize the weight of the healthcare system to attain political objectives. The fact that Biden’s handlers installed Becerra as HHS secretary is a key indicator they always intended to weaponize fear of COVID-19.  It is good to see someone like Rand Paul confront that reality.

Bravo!  I felt like standing up and cheering when I viewed this video.

Do not cave into them.

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