The Biden Effect

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The person occupying the White House repeatedly says that the vaccines for COVID are “safe and effective.”  He says this despite mountains of evidence in the government’s own database system VAERS that shows otherwise.  On September 7th the vaccine claimed another victim, Jessica Berg Wilson, who died from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)

This is the horribly sad story of a mother from Oregon who did not believe that she needed a vaccine shot since she was “exceptionally healthy” and had no underlying health conditions.

As noted in her obituary, Jessica was forced to get the jab because she wanted to be actively involved in her children’s education.  This mandate is not based on any science.  In fact, the science is showing that the vaccines are ineffective at best and downright dangerous at worst.

As a result of government coercion, the world has lost another good soul.  How many more will we lose because of the insanity of the people occupying the highest positions in our government?

Now, if Jessica was one in a million who had some extremely rare genetic condition that triggered this reaction during a pandemic with a significant mortality rate it would still be a very sad story.  However, the mortality rate from this illness is microscopic.  And Jessica is not one in a million.  If she were, there might be one to two hundred deaths from the vaccine.  In this country deaths from the jab are averaging over 70/day.  Even in VAERS, which has a notoriously low rate of reporting, the total numbers are in the tens of thousands.  And serious side effects like blindness, paralysis, heart inflammation, etc., number in the hundreds of thousands.

This is the Biden Effect.  It is taking good people from us.  These kinds of stories need to be spread far and wide to let the public know just what is happening in real life.  How many more good people will we lose over the next few years just to line the pockets of Big Pharma and those politicians who front run the money going to these companies?