Mark Oshinskie has written an insightful article on why vaccines have become such an article of faith among Americans.  I will be excerpting freely from his post.  You can read the entire post below.


Even Stevie Wonder could see it: When you believe in things you don’t understand, you suffer; superstition ain’t the way. 

Covid has become a religion. American Vaxxers, more accurately labeled “injectors,” believe in something they don’t understand. Injectors don’t understand that the injections don’t resemble conventional, prior vaxxes. They can’t explain the mRNA mechanism by which the injections are said to work. They’re also unaware that the number of near-term post-injection deaths after 9 months of Covid injections exceeds the death tolls from all vaccinations combined over the past 30 years. They know nothing about the long term safety of the injections, nor of data revealing breakthrough deaths in the US and abroad. Nor do they know, after 19 months of media fearmongering, that the vast majority of people are at functionally zero risk from Covid. They watch too much TV. 

Mark’s last sentence perhaps says the most.  The fact that the vaccines are not safe and not effective has been proven over and over again.  However, if you just watch the Big Media people on TV, you probably haven’t seen the evidence despite there being mountains of it.  The mortality rate with no early treatment is miniscule.  When early treatment is part of the protocol, the rate is little different from zero.

Nonetheless, most Americans believe in the injections because the injections have been marketed with the halo-effected label, “vaccines.” Many Americans see the injection as a modern, magical talisman, a technological sacrament that enables them to walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Never mind that they would have been fine without the ritualistic injections.

These believers have also been blind to the mounting reports of serious adverse effects from getting jabbed.  America’s voluntary reporting system, VAERS, has more than 600,000 such reports.  These include more than 16,000 deaths.  Do these injectors know this?

Americans’ faith in medicine now exceeds their faith in a Supreme Being. Americans have been brainwashed by decades of TV shows with actors portraying heroic, brilliant, compassionate MDs. More recently, Americans have been shown endless hospital and Pharma ads of smiling people strolling in slow motion through golden light across flowery meadows, accompanied by a loved one and soft, ruminative background piano. Adeptly propagandized, all things medical have become subliminally associated with healing, health and earthly Eden.

One can see this in the absolute hero worship that Dr. Fauci engenders among some of the public.  There is a cult of Fauci.  If Dr. Fauci would come out tomorrow and say the pandemic is over reversing his stance of yesterday, these people would whoop and holler “Hosanna.”

And there is a never-ending barrage of ads on TV purporting the only way back to a normal society is through the jab.  One will not be able to resume normal family activities if one does not submit to the jab.

Injectors haven’t reviewed, and would not understand, the injections’ clinical trial data. They recite, like a creed, that the injections are 95% effective, though they can’t explain what that means. The Injection Taliban supports mandatory injections because some nominal doctors on TV ads and interviews assert that the injections are “safe and effective.”

How was the 95% effective rate determined?  Were all study participants tested regularly to see if they had been infected with COVID?  The answer is no.  What was the actual risk reduction of the Pfizer jab?  It turns out to be less than 1%.  This is from their own study data.

They’re unaware that many other doctors, whom the media suppresses, instead explain on the Internet, backed by data and logic, why the injections are unsafe and unhelpful. This latter group of physicians resemble latter day Martin Luthers, who are not invited by corporate TV stations to post their Theses. And when these injection blasphemers post on the Net, the latter day Vatican, i.e., Big Tech, censors them.

Physicians, scientists, et al, who stand up and challenge the prevailing dogma are treated as heretics.  They are worse than lepers.  Medical licensing boards have come after them trying to destroy their livelihood because they will not worship at the altar of mRNA “vaccination.”

The core, suppressed truth of the past 19 months is this: even without treatment, over 99.98% of uninjected, normal weight people under 70 survive Coronavirus infections; with basic, inexpensive outpatient treatment, even more do. 

Yet, for months, Covid-fearing, fire and brimstone preachers have convinced their flocks (of sheep) that Covid guarantees universal, physical damnation and that the injection is the only way to salvation. 

The Vaxx Church has its clergy. Even though he’s been repeatedly wrong or equivocal, many still believe deeply that Fauci is wise and infallible; to the injection zealots, he’s the Pope, the Ayatollah and Jim Jones rolled into one. The Vaxx Church has various subsidiary clergy in state governors mansions. They have Covid-televangelist TV networks like CNN, CBS, CSNBC and PBS. And the Vaxx Church has global reach, with missionaries in places like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

Few things are scarier than what is going on in Australia right now.  In one state (Northern Territory) the threat is a $5,000 fine if you refuse the jab.  Police have been beating people who are found outside in violation of lockdown orders.  Police have been firing rubber bullets at people who protest the insanity.  These people will brook no dissent.  Everyone will submit or else.  The people in Afghanistan under the Taliban have more freedoms than people in Australia. The hellfire and brimstone preachers have nothing on these people.

The injection end game is this: if everyone injects, there will be no control group, and Biden and Fauci will claim that the injections saved humanity. Thus, the shots are a deceitful backdoor effort to falsely justify the purported—but utterly failed— Covid Commandments: lockdowns, arbitrary social distancing, mass testing, contact tracing and mask mandates, and to obscure the inexorable protection bestowed by natural herd immunity.

But Big Pharma can’t make tens of billions from natural immunity. Nor can politicians claim credit for it. So the Covid Inquisition continues.

But America doesn’t—or at least didn’t use to—take away people’s basic civil rights and livelihoods because they don’t share the beliefs of an official state religion. Rather, Americans recoil at the notion of theocracy; it’s fundamentally anathema, characteristic of Iran or Saudi Arabia. The Orthodox injection crusaders must not be allowed to foist their mistaken beliefs on the infidels who have studied and know the injections are, at best, a scam, and who wish to apply their knowledge in the exercise of their natural law sovereignty over their own bodies.

Pushback here in this country is getting stronger.  More and more unions and other groups of workers are standing up and saying “NO!”  What happens if companies follow through and fire all those workers (tens of millions) who refuse the jab?  The economy will grind to a halt.

The injection jihad that supports this religion of the vaccine must end now.