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Shawn Kuhn, a senior majoring in exercise and sports science at the University of Georgia, passed away on Oct. 11 after battling COVID-19-based pneumonia for about six weeks.

Kuhn worked as a certified personal trainer at the UGA Ramsey Student Center and also worked at Chick-Fil-A on Atlanta Hwy, where he began as a server and quickly rose to a Team Leader. His aim was to become a certified physical therapist. Sharla Brook Kuhn, Shawn Kuhn’s older sister, said he was fully vaccinated.

Unlike many unvaccinated younger people who die, Shawn was not morbidly obese.  He was in great shape.  How many more young people will be sacrificed on the vaccine altar?  When will the government and Big Media stop suppressing info about early treatment?

Rest in peace, Shawn

Colin Powell, 84, fully vaccinated and dead of Covid

Just another “rare” “mild” “breakthrough” case.

And the highest profile COVID death to date by far.

Because vaccines work.

Rest in peace, General Powell.

Another airline caves.  Delta Airlines’ CEO Ed Bastian appeared on Fox Business on Saturday and claimed that the airline he leads will respect employees’ personal health decisions and will not enforce a vaccine mandate.

I guess he wants to stay in business.  Firing your pilots is not a good look.

Liberty Counsel on Friday announced a class action lawsuit on behalf of members of all five branches of the U.S. military – the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard – against President Joe Biden over his orders they take the experimental COVID shots or face dishonorable discharge.

Pushback is gathering momentum.  Hopefully it succeeds before Biden destroys our military.

Japan didn’t follow the rest of the world and certainly never followed the WHO’s recommendations related to COVID.  Their actions to not shut down their economy and begin using Ivermectin may be the key.  Japan’s numbers of new cases of COVID are way down to almost nothing.  This follows on India’s success with Ivermectin.

Isn’t it time for this country to acknowledge the success of this cheap and safe drug?  Isn’t Ivermectin “safe and effective?”

NBC, yes that network, actually fact-checked Dr. Fauci about his warning that crowded football stadiums would become super-spreader events.  Shaquille Brewster noted:

“For weeks, crowds in the tens of thousands, mostly unmasked, have sat side-by-side now cheering on their teams at the halfway point of the season.”

Early in the season Dr. Fauci had agreed with Joy Reid who thought that, seeing crowded stadiums, “COVID is about to have a feast.”

Brewster noted, “It never happened.  Cases are now in steep decline in every college football state across the South. Including Florida, where hospitalizations fell 64% percent last month, even as some 90,000 fans packed the [University of Florida] Gators’ stadium.”

Is Fauci’s halo getting so tarnished that a Big Media outlet like NBC would even deign to review previous statements that St. Fauci has given the common people?