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Another professional soccer player collapsed on the field on Monday night. 28-year-old Emil Palsson from Iceland collapsed on the field during the 12th minute of play. 84% of people 16-29 in Iceland are fully vaccinated.

Over the weekend soccer star Sergio Aquero was taken to the hospital after experiencing chest discomfort during a match – six weeks after promoting the vax.

This seems to be happening a lot.

Gee, what do all of these cases have in common?  You guessed it.  They are all “fully vaccinated.”  Are the long term effects starting to manifest themselves?

Ivermectin hits another home run.  A new international report of 64 studies shows Ivermectin has an 86% success rate as a prophylaxis and a 67% success rate in early treatment of COVID.

The results mirror the over 290 studies on hydroxychloroquine that have been reported over the past year.

The CDC, Dr. Fauci and the FDA ridiculed the use of the drugs to treat the China Virus despite their continued effectiveness in peer reviewed studies.

When will the sainted Dr. Fauci be fired for causing the unnecessary deaths of so many in this country?

American Airlines canceled another 634 flights on Sunday, more than 12% of its total operations for the day, the company said Sunday.

“The airline has now canceled more than 1,500 flights since Friday, as it deals with weather issues and staffing shortages that started last week.”

Staffing issues?  That’s code for people who oppose being coerced into putting poison into their bodies.  Weather issues?  That’s code speak for “high winds” created by all the gaslighting that American is doing trying to avoid mentioning vaccine mandates.  Those vax mandates will do nothing but shut down the economy.

Mayor DiBlasio continues on his campaign to put New Yorkers at risk of serious harm with his insane vaccine mandates.

Is there a 25th amendment that can be applied to the Mayor of NYC?