Fauci’s Halo Slipping?

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Is the sainted octogenarian’s halo slipping in relation to all things COVID?  Several items seeping out into the news feed even on some left-wing sites indicates that this may be so.

Scott Lively has written several pieces on the problems demonstrated by Fauci’s drug of choice Remdesivir and about Fauci’s efforts to suppress information about life-saving treatments available through cheap, safe drugs.

Lively reported on Nebraska’s AG Douglas Peterson standing up for the use of HCQ and IVM.  In Lively’s judgement, Peterson offered a stellar legal opinion defending the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as an off-label treatment for early stage COVID-19 by Nebraska physicians.

The need for this opinion arose out a request by Nebraska’s Dept. of Health and Human Services.  As Lively noted:

Its eloquent, dispassionate summary of the facts exposes the extreme guilt of our corrupt public health officials and their co-conspirators like a colorized X-ray of COVID infested lungs. They can run but cannot hide from the documented, objective truth.

Peterson’s opinion, which is the bureaucratic equivalent of a “ruling,” is a great victory for truth and true science in and of itself, and will undoubtedly save many lives both in Nebraska and everywhere the document is used to help realign public health policies to scientific reality.

Lively goes on:

But as a Christian attorney myself, I believe the analysis detailed in this opinion logically, legally and morally compels Attorney General Peterson to take immediate forceful action against the Biden administration, Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and other key players – not just as a civil action to defeat bad policy by the FDA, CDC and other agencies, but to prosecute the key players for criminal malfeasance and/or whatever judicial equivalent may be available in his legal toolkit.

It is not just criminal malfeasance that may have occurred here.  And let me say right here that proving these things must be by the rule of law and not the rule of the mob.  Are there enough facts on hand (see Peterson’s legal opinion) to indict public officials for murder?  This would include the morally depraved Fauci, the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky and all those in Big Pharma who participated in these efforts to make money off the deaths of people with COVID.

Let’s look closely at Remdisivir, Fauci’s drug of choice.  Dr. Bryan Ardis makes the following assertions:

On May 1, 2020, Dr. Fauci released a memo related to the FDA emergency use authorization of Remdesivir in which he said it has been shown to be safe and effective in two studies. Dr. Ardis says that is a brazen lie.

The first was a study of its use against the Ebola virus in 2019. Dr. Ardis says that Remdesivir was by far the least safe and effective of the four drugs in the Ebola trial, and that the one-year study was canceled by safety monitors in August of 2019 after just six months because of a 53.1% mortality rate – not from ineffectively treated Ebola, but from kidney and other organ failure caused by the drug itself.

Let that sink in.  A 53.1% mortality rate from use of the drug not from the disease itself.  And Fauci was recommending this drug as safe and effective.

The second study cited by Fauci as evidence of the safety and effectiveness of Remdesivir was a March 2020 study of 53 people with COVID, done by the owner of the Remdesivir patent, Gilead Sciences, a major pharmaceutical company. Instead of the 28-day course of Remdesivir used against Ebola, a 10 day course was used. Of 53 people, 23% developed acute kidney and/or liver failure, while another 8% had to be pulled from the study before 10 days with such severe reaction that they needed emergency kidney or transplants or they would die. That’s a combined 31% with life-threatening adverse reactions.

Yet Remdisivir is the drug that Fauci was promoting.  Fauci was wrong about AIDS and he was wrong again here.  And he was wrong about the efficacy of the so-called vaccines.  How does this man still have a job at NIH?

Lively goes onto to highlight facts that Big Media has deigned to ignore.

By the end of 2020, the United States, with 4.5% of the world’s population, had 25% of the COVID-19 deaths, 95% of which occurred in U.S. hospitals with Remdesivir protocols that had been proven in the manufacturer’s own study to destroy the kidneys and or livers of 31% of its users (for a disease with a 1% fatality rate globally).

The question that arises is not why is Remdesivir first on a list of drugs for a clinical trial.  It is why would Remdesivir ever be given an EUA?  Yet it was.  The NIH listed three drugs (Ivermectin was second) for use against COVID.  You can view the NIH pronouncements on these drugs here.

Remdesivir did not belong on this list.  How did it get there?  What financial interests does Fauci and others have in this?  Multiple trials have been done with IVM with 0% reported serious side effects.  The COVID mortality rate was much lower even in patients with severe cases.  Why did the NIH announce in February that there was “insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin?”

The serious side effects for Remdesivir would have stopped most drug trials.  Why was this one allowed to continue?  Are Dr. Fauci and others in the bureaucratic mishmash that is America’s healthcare overseers complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients?  Will they be held accountable?

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