Don’t Vax Your Kids

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Debra Heine has an article on myocarditis over at American Greatness that should raise alarm bells with every parent in the country who cares about the health of their children.  The risks of heart inflammation in young people far outweigh any possible benefit from the mRNA therapies.

Hat Tip…American Greatness

The news is everywhere except the Big Media outlets.  Myocarditis, that is, inflammation of the heart muscle, is being seen in dramatically higher numbers.  This is especially true in countries that have high vaccination rates.  While health officials claim that vaccine-induced myocarditis is rare, world class athletes are experiencing this in alarming numbers.

Dr. Peter Andrew McCullough is an American cardiologist.  He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.  Dr. McCullough expressed a different viewpoint in an interview with Dr. Al Johnson.

Dr. McCullough talked about troponin which is a protein found in cardiac muscle.  Troponin protein levels are used as a diagnostic indicator in connection with myocarditis.

Heine notes:

The doctor emphasized that usually “the myocarditis in COVID-19 is mild, it’s inconsequential, and it’s largely a component of elevation [of troponin].”

Conversely, he said, “there are pre-clinical studies suggesting the lipid nanoparticles [from the vaccines] actually go right into the heart.”

“The heart expresses the spike protein, the body attacks the heart. There are dramatic EKG changes,” he explained.

“I don’t want anybody to think that the myocarditis of a natural infection is anything like what we’re seeing with the vaccines,” McCullough stressed.

McCullough stressed that the troponin levels seen with vaccine-induced myocarditis are “10 to 100 times higher.”  McCullough went onto say:

“When kids get myocarditis after the vaccine, 90 percent have to be hospitalized, they have dramatic EKG changes, chest pain, heart failure, they need an echocardiogram,” he said, adding “they need medication to prevent heart failure.”

It is time to stop vaccine mandates for healthy children.  Healthy children have an almost zero risk of serious illness from COVID.  Getting them jabbed is playing Russian roulette with their long term health.