A New Year’s Resolution

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I am diving deep into the morass of evil that dominates our lives today.  Big Pharma has taken over our government, the UK and most European governments.  That is the only explanation that makes any sense at all.  It used to be known as regulatory capture when the Democrats wanted to whine about the oil companies not being adequately regulated.  Today the words “regulatory capture” have largely disappeared from any discussion of Big Pharma.  Yet they own the agencies that are supposed to protect the public.

This is my resolution for 2022.  I am signing on with Alex Berenson.  Alex is an American writer.  Formally he was a reporter for the NYTimes.  He has also authored a number of spy thriller novels.  More recently he has been in the forefront of opposition to the mRNA therapies that pose as vaccines.  On August 28, 2021, Twitter permanently banned Alex for spreading the truth about COVID-19 and the so-called vaccines.

His resolution:

By the time I’m done the world will know what you knew and when you knew it. This isn’t about depopulation conspiracy theories; it’s about a drug – not a vaccine, this isn’t a vaccine by any reasonable definition – you rushed to market with the promise of zero liability and tens of billions of dollars in profits, a drug that looks worse by the week. It’s about risking the hearts of healthy kids to make morbidly obese adults feel a little better; it’s about getting the result you want in a clinical trial after a few months and blowing up the trial – for a drug that is supposed to be given to billions of people – and not once, but over and over.

So, yeah, I’m not going to forget. I don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and I absolutely will not stop until the truth comes out.
