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As almost everyone knows, it is almost time to begin campaigning for “mid-terms.”  The insanity of our election system is upon us once more.  We all know what that means! Politicians are all of a sudden “evolving” when it comes to COVID-19.

What was just a trickle ten days ago is now becoming a flood of governors who are coming out and saying we need to learn to live with COVID.  And these are Democrats that I am talking about.

Colorado’s Jared Polis  said no more mask mandates a while back.  Then Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf threw in the proverbial towel after the PA Supreme Court spanked him.  Now NJ’s Phil Murphy and Delaware’s John Carney followed suit as well.

Were these governors following the science?  I believe the answer to that is “Yes!”  But the science they are following is political science and it is telling them that continuing to try to be Josef Stalin or Adolf Hitler is a loser with the voters.  They also might be concerned about where tourists might go this summer.  People start making plans now.  States that are freer and more open are more attractive to these people.

How about the mindless one who sometimes sleeps at the White House?  Press secretary Psaki said:

“Well, the guidance is very clear, which is that we recommend masking in schools. That is the recommendation from the CDC. It is also true that at some point, when the science and that data warrants, of course, our hope is that that’s no longer the recommendation, and they are continually assessing that. But the guidance is very clear. It is also true that has always been up to local school districts to make determinations about how to implement these policies.”

The CDC has done studies on masking in the past.  Masks do not work.  They do not stop the spread of viruses.  They do not stop the spread of the flu.  This was true decades ago and has not changed since then.  That is the real science.  The CDC is just a highly politicized agency that is doing what those in the administration tell them to do.

The administration is holding onto the hope that they can become the next Stalin or Hitler.  After all they already have a bona fide Josef Mengele in their employ.  Just read the book that everyone is reading.