Gas Prices

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The Liar-in-Chief for this administration said on Monday that the Biden administration will try to reduce the impact of rising oil prices for American consumers.  This is an outright lie that Psaki has uttered.  Unlike some other countries the US can control the price of gasoline.  Why?  Because America has abundant energy resources, more than any other country in the world.

Psaki has a script to follow.  This script deliberately ignores the reality of energy resources available to this country.  This administration is intentionally weakening America on the world stage.  The leftists want to destroy this country.  This is a real insurrection unfolding before our eyes.

Do not attribute to incompetence what can readily be explained by intent.  The Great Reset needs a weakened America.  What they failed to filter into their plans was a strengthening Russia who is definitely not interested in a Great Reset although a weakened America would be fine with them.

Open the oil and gas spigots and America would come back roaring.  How to do this?  Sundance has listed a few actions that could be taken.

  • Permit the use of preexisting approved leases in ANWAR (Alaska) to put more volume into the Alaskan oil pipeline that is severely underutilized.

  • Finish the Dakota access pipeline.

  • Re-approve the preexisting energy leases in New Mexico, Arizona, NE Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

  • Retract the stoppage of the Keystone pipeline to permit efficient oil transport shipments from Canada.

  • Stop blocking the expansion of coastal oil refineries in Texas, Louisiana and Alabama (regulatory issue), as well as Northwest, Northeast and Southeast Seaboard.

  • Continue to develop natural gas as a clean burning fuel.

  • Drive Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an export.

Let’s break these down a bit.  ANWAR is sitting on more fossil fuels than Saudi Arabia.  The keystone pipeline would transport more oil from Canada than we are buying from Russia today.  LNG as an export could help to reduce Europe’s dependency on Russian natural gas.

Preventing these actions is a deliberate attempt by the people behind the curtain to weaken America.  They claim they are trying to “save the planet” from imminent destruction.  Hogwash.  Nothing could be further from the truth, but then they don’t want the debate because they know their phony arguments won’t hold up.

This leads to the Left’s attacks on “mis-information.”  The Left needs to end free speech because they cannot win a rational debate on any of the policies that they are pursuing.  Thus, the pursuit of characterizing anyone who disagrees with the government narrative as a domestic extremist/terrorist.

We have seen this with people who walked through the Capitol Building on January 6th being labelled as domestic terrorists.  Many have been kept in solitary confinement as political prisoners.  All of this is done in order to silence political opposition.  Remember they vowed not only to “destroy Trump”, but to “insure his kind, can never rise again”

The current policies of this administration will lead to people starving to death.  Since fertilizer prices are exploding through the roof, some crops will not be planted.  This means that some people will starve.  The Left does not care.  They will trot out some explanation that puts the blame on Putin.  That is all BS.  These people are saboteurs, subversives and insurrectionists.

The situation could be reversed starting today.  Even Democrats are beginning to clamor for some change to the energy policies of this administration.

EBENSBURG, March 1 – With gas prices out of control and oil above $100 per barrel due to the crisis in Europe, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today is introducing a House Resolution calling on President Biden to immediately restart construction on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“We live in the greatest nation on this planet, and it is utterly unacceptable that we are reliant on foreign countries, many of whom are adversarial towards our democracy, for natural resources that are available here at home — but only if we have the political courage to get this job done,” Burns said. 

“Well, I’m no coward, which is why I am leading an effort to have the PA Legislature demand that Biden reverse his decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline and get that oil flowing to help Americans – and not be reliant a bunch of greedy foreign oil oligarchs who want to hold our economy hostage.”

We need more of this.  We need people sending Sundance’s list to their legislators over and over.  Let’s be reminded that oil prices are predictive.  If the market senses that increased supply is coming, prices will fall.