Dangerous For Our Democracy

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Senator Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren (D – Massachusetts) is suddenly very concerned about “dangers to democracy.”  The source of her concern?  Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  Apparently, Warren is worried that conservative voices will be able to be heard on Twitter.  Warren like others on the left thought that platform was theirs to do with as they liked.

Warren does not care for Musk.  Earlier this year she accused Musk of paying zero taxes just after he paid the largest individual tax bill in history ($11 billion).  Warren also accused Musk of “freeloading off everyone else.”  This coming from a woman who used her supposed Native American ancestry to benefit from affirmative action programs created for such groups.  A DNA test showed that Warren was no more Native American than most people living in this country.

Elizabeth Warren is suddenly very concerned about Twitter now that Elon Musk is taking it over. She wasn’t interested when conservatives were being thrown off the platform.  She was not interested when PDJT with his 70+ million followers was cancelled from Twitter.  Warren did not say anything when Twitter was used to suppress stories that might damage Biden. Warren did not pipe up about dangers to democracy when the NY Post account was suspended over a true story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Warren said nothing when Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post.  But now she’s deeply concerned about one person having so much power.



All Warren wants to talk about is power.  All this power in the hands of one person is dangerous.  This must be changed according to Warren.  Why?  Wasn’t the power there before to silence individuals who had an allegiance to a different ideology?  Is she afraid that that ability to silence political opponents will be lost?  Is Warren afraid that the machiavellian schemes that she and others on the far left engage in will be exposed to sunlight?

If we want to talk about power, how does the administration’s new Disinformation Governance Board (Ministry of Truth) fit in?  Isn’t that all about power?  Specifically, isn’t it about the power to silence political opposition?  Why isn’t Warren complaining about that?

We all know the answer.  As is par for the course, Warren is projecting her own evil intentions onto the opposition.  The Left fears having to debate ideas in an open forum.  They know that most of their ideas are bankrupt and contrary to the idea of freedom and liberty.  They need to suppress all opposition.  They fear an even playing field where this would be exposed. They thought Twitter was theirs and they could use it to their advantage as they saw fit.

Thank God for Elon Musk and PDJT.