It Is Getting Worse

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On Monday the mindless wonder who occasionally sleeps at the White House held a reception in the East Room of the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr).  Biden slammed American citizens as he read the teleprompter and claimed Muslims are being systematically targeted with violence in the US.

“So many Muslims are being targeted with violence! No one – No one should discriminate against or be oppressed for their religious beliefs.  Muslims make our nation stronger every single day, even as they still face real challenges and threats in our society.”

Of course, Biden didn’t offer up any evidence or data to back up his absurd claims of rampant ‘Islamophobia.’

Biden then goes off script.  His handlers have a cow every time this happens.  This time Biden made the claim that there never has been a Senator from Delaware.  Of course, Biden served as Senator from Delaware for 32 years.

This is one of his more lucid moments.  I suppose the new Ministry of Truth will confirm what the demented one said. Any disputing of this will be called disinformation.  Whatever happened to the Easter Bunny who was supposed to distract Biden when he went off script?

This is sad.  His brain is pudding.  This man is supposed to be President.  Biden has got to be removed from office.  When will the 25th amendment be called for?  The Democratic leadership has gone bonkers.  Biden should be in a senior care facility.  Pelosi is not much better.  And if the reports are true, Diane Feinstein should not be anywhere near Washington DC.

When does this become a matter of national security?