Odds & Ends

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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer complains that Americans are attacking Joe Biden during wartime:

“It is unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president.”

If the shoe fits, wear it.

And, BTW, when did Congress declare war?

The Biden regime will get us all killed.

Is believing in America a bad thing?  Biden started using the term ultra-MAGA as a disparaging phrase about people who believe in America.  Supposedly he came up with this on his own.  Press secretary Psaki vouched for this.  Fat chance that the mindless wonder could do so.

Apparently, the Democrats conducted six months of research to come up with this term of endearment.  How much money did they spend researching different terms to use?

I guess when you steal an election, it gives you a license to lie about everything.

Because it is now on the front page of almost every newspaper in the country, the mindless one who sometimes sleeps in the White House decided to address the baby formula problem.  Keep in mind the FDA has shut down the largest producer of baby formula in this country over false charges of bacterial infection in their product.

Now they are shipping baby formula to the border to give to ILLEGAL aliens while again putting Americans last.

Biden indicated that the government was arranging to bring in product from overseas.  This would be directed to the WIC (Women, Infants, Children) program.  Apparently if you can afford to pay for formula, you will be out of luck.

America last indeed.

Dr. Fauci, the sainted one, was recently asked about his flip-flopping on various issues during the scamdemic.

“Yeah, what I can say, it’s a good thing. I have flip-flopped and the reason is because science and the evolution of this outbreak changes,” Fauci said laughing.

“If you are being true to the facts and true to the data, you’re going to have to change. That’s not flip-flopping, that’s getting moving along with the science the way this outbreak is moving along. And it’s understandable how the general public doesn’t fully understand that,” Fauci added.

Let’s look at mask wearing.

On March, 8 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci advised healthy Americans against wearing face masks.

In April 2020 — The CDC said Americans should be wearing face masks for the COVID.

In May 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling.

On January 25, 2021 — Dr. Fauci told healthy Americans to wear two masks instead of one.

On January 31, 2021 —Dr. Fauci backtracked on that insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

The only science I see here is political science.  When the government needed to control people more, Saint Fauci obliged by pushing masks.  When it wasn’t needed politically, he moved away from mask mandates.

When will Fauci be fitted for an orange jumpsuit?

After Tuesday, Trump is 58-1 in primary endorsements.

How did Big Media play it? They gave more ink to the one race that did not succeed than all the other races combined since the primary season started.

Trump’s endorsements are historic because no one has backed so many winners before.

The media need to run with the failure to cover up the election fraud that is being unearthed on a daily basis.

Keep in mind the 2000 Mules were all donkeys.