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We are hearing from all sides about solutions to the massacre in Uvalde, Texas.  Don Surber has some thoughts:

How about we have Congress do nothing?

How about we have the president do nothing?

How about we have the entire nation just take a chill pill?

Pray for the victims. Pray for the families of the victims. Pray for the town of Uvalde.

But remember, we did not create a federal government to protect us from every imaginable evil and every tragedy in life. We already have paid too much for believing we should have an omnipotent government that protects us 24/7. 

You know who gets 24/7 protection, free health care and free food?


He has a point.

Don Surber has some other insights:

 The New York Post reported, “VP Kamala Harris demands ban on assault weapons, says they have ‘no place in civil society.’”

She cheered when they were handed out like party favors in Ukraine.

What have no place in civil society are abortion, puberty blockers and politicians accepting bribes from Ukraine via their sons and other kin.

Once again, he has a point.

Many polls indicate that the Democrats are in trouble in November.  And these polls generally skew in favor of the lefties.  Some well-known Democrats may not be around much longer.  Is Jerry Nadler taking his last waddle in Washington?  New York lost a seat through the census.  This was despite the undercounting of red states.  Their egregiously unconstitutional effort at re-districting led to a special master drawing up the boundaries for the new House districts.

The result is Nadler being pitted against Carolyn Maloney, also an incumbent, in the Democratic primary.  Despite Nadler’s obvious manly charms, Maloney leads the polls by 10 points.

The Biden administration planned a photo op in Uvalde Sunday and had invited law enforcement agents from multiple agencies who had responded.  This was done to exploit the shooting.

Sunday’s meeting was planned to address law enforcement officers who responded to the shooting specifically. It was announced as part of President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden’s visit to Uvalde to address the families of the mass shooting victims.

Then the White House decided to rescind the invites to the Border Patrol.  Why?  Space was cited as the reason.  The problem?  The event was scheduled for a large open formatted venue near the school.  Space was definitely not an issue.

Was the administration afraid that a BP agent might raise the issue of the open border just a stone’s throw away?

Airline chaos is back.  One of the busiest weekends for air travel saw almost 7,000 flights cancelled.  Not only that but more than 13,000 flights were delayed.

Air travel has become a nightmare.  I know people who are driving to 10, 12, 14 hours to avoid having to depend on the airlines.

Just another benefit from the Biden regime.  Can’t have those pesky jets spewing all that CO2 into the atmosphere.

The Washington Post finally addressed Bidenflation. The headline and spin were, “U.S. policymakers misjudged inflation threat until it was too late.”

Biden began his presidency by demanding Congress give him a $1.9 trillion to spend as he pleased in the name of fighting unemployment.

Democrats printed up 1.9 million million dollars. That goosed the money supply sky high. Nearly 10% of our economy came from the Democrat shopping spree.

And one wonders where inflation came from?

This wasn’t a mis-judgement.  This was intentional.

Inflation was 7.5% when the year ended.  It was 1.4% when it started.

It will only get worse.

Biden and his handlers want to make America less again.

1 thought on “Items

  1. Jerome

    When will The American People Stand Up?
    Get our heads out of the sand , and fight for our FREEDOMS🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🧨🧨🦅🗽🥷🏻🪖🕛

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