Brandon’s Fraudulent Election Questioned By Brazil

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This is interesting.  The President of Brazil is now questioning the outcome of our 2020 election.  This is the second country to publicly cast doubt on Brandon. The first being Russia. I am sure that if Bolsonaro’s concerns gain any traction in this country the left will be howling about potential interference in our election process.  Of course, the left would have no problem in attempting to interfere in Brazil’s elections.  And that is probably why Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is voicing his concerns.

SAO PAULO, June 7 (Reuters) – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday cast doubt on the 2020 election victory of U.S. President Joe Biden, just two days before they are due to meet for the first time during the Summit of the Americas.

Bolsonaro, an outspoken admirer of former President Donald Trump, said in a TV interview that he still harbors suspicions about Biden’s victory and he again praised Trump’s government.

In 2020, the Brazilian leader voiced allegations of U.S. election fraud as he backed Trump. Bolsonaro was also one of the last world leaders to recognize Biden’s win.

“The American people are the ones who talk about it (election fraud). I will not discuss the sovereignty of another country. But Trump was doing really well,” Bolsonaro said.

“We don’t want that to happen in Brazil,” he added.

I believe it could happen in Brazil in a heartbeat.  I believe rigged elections can happen everywhere.  I do not think there are any limits to how far the totalitarians would go to retain and/or expand their power.  Brazil under Bolsonaro has demonstrated an independence from the World Economic Forum (WEF).  Undoubtedly, this threatens the trillions that are at stake in the current economic war raging on the planet.

Bolsonaro has cojones.  Certainly, more cojones than many of our elected representatives.

It is time for those in the GOP who have cojones to stand up.  Stop apologizing for anything connected to January 6th, 2021.  I was there.  There was no insurrection.  The plea deals that have emerged from the DC Gulag were coerced as surely as confessions were coerced in the old Soviet Union.

Unlike the Soviet Union or China today, free people have a right to question their government.  The GOP needs to promise to stand up for such actions of a liberty-loving people.

While it is not yet a physical war (except in Ukraine), there is certainly a spiritual war going on around the world.  The grand plan is to enslave the whole world.  When these people started, they probably felt they would meet minimum resistance at this point in time, that people would just rollover.

During COVID, it appeared they might be right.  However, the 2020 “election” was so fraudulent, that even die-hard Democrats could smell the foul odor.  Did this stop them?  Hell no!

They now know that unless they create fraud on a level unseen in modern history, they will be on the down side next year.  So, they are trying to implement communism across America by executive fiat.  This is Hitler all over again.  The only difference is that Hitler had all his faculties.  How much violence will we see this summer across America once the Left releases their brown shirts (BLM, Antifa) to remake America?

I think the BRICS nations are helping us (not intentionally) just by moving forward with their own plans. These plans are connected to their own self-preservation.  Keep in mind that Bolsonaro and one other country nuked the WEF/WHO takeover of global health a while back.

They are dumping sand into the gears of Western elites who think they are better than everyone else.  The BRICS are not coming to save us but, at least, they are jamming the gears. Can they win the battle?  Maybe.  Self-preservation is a mighty force.

Let’s remember that Klaus Schwab, the head of WEF, is not a fan of democracy.  In the 2010 WEF report titled “Global Redesign”, Schwab postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs)”. This is the exact opposite of a democracy.

He argued that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. For this reason, the Transnational Institute (TNI) described the WEF as “a silent global coup d’état to capture governance.”

Prayers are needed today more than ever.  Especially pray for Bolsonaro and his supporters.  The world needs more like him.

You are not alone!

Do not cave into them!

You can make a profound difference!
