Another Small Step

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The list of Americans who are growing tired of this administration’s attempt to transform America into a communist nation has been growing by the day. This past Memorial Day, one United States Army Special Forces veteran is doing something about it.

According to Fox News, Green Beret veteran Jason Bacon launched the Green Beret PAC on Monday, May 30th.

Bacon said his PAC will be aimed at helping other Special Forces and conservative veterans who are currently running for Congress.  According to Bacon:

“Green Berets have spent years implementing U.S. Foreign Policy on the ground.  They are warrior-diplomats, who have learned foreign languages, understand foreign cultures, and have lived among local populations.

“They have a breadth of experience that surpasses that of a typical Congressional candidate. We are proud to support these outstanding candidates for Congress.”

The Green Beret PAC announced its endorsement of eight Green Beret veterans who are running as Republicans for Congress in November.

In the House, they are Tyler Allcorn in Colorado; Jay Collins and Mike Waltz, an incumbent, in Florida; Christian Castelli and Pat Harrigan in North Carolina; Derrick Anderson in Virginia; and Joe Kent in Washington.

In the Senate, Don Buldoc, a retired brigadier general, is running in New Hampshire.

Hopefully electing some of these warriors to Congress can help change the mentality there.