How It Was Done

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The aftermath of the COVID vaccine scam is upon us.  It becomes more obvious every day that the public was hoodwinked when it came to the mRNA jab that was masquerading as a vaccine.  The damage to the human race will be incalculable.  It looks like excess mortality will be with us for a long time.  This post will explore just one aspect of how the elites were able to con the public.

Some background:  (I am indebted to Igor Chudov for his insights)

Richard Thaler is a brilliant behavioral economist, Nobel Prize winner, and a major contributor to the “Nudge Theory”, that provided impetus for the infamous UK “Nudge Unit”. His work on human decision making and cognitive biases was groundbreaking and, in part, helped governments worldwide to hypnotize most people into taking “Covid Vaccines”.

The first psychological trick used to get people to take the jab comes from the results of the Asch Experiment.  The Asch conformity experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person’s own opinions are influenced by those of a group. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.

Chudov notes:

The experiment was originally set up with eight persons, only one of whom was an experimental subject, and the rest were actors. These stooges, who the subject thought were other subjects, were all asked the same question, to which they gave an obviously wrong answer. The subject, who did not know he was the only real subject, was to speak up last.

It turned out that subjects of this experiment (it was repeated multiple times), seeing a consensus of seven smartly dressed men, would end up giving the same (obviously incorrect) answer as the stooges. This conformance experiment literally was a clever way to make people hold and express obviously false opinions.

This experiment was repeated many times, and in the most skillfully conducted experiments, they got 62.5% of subjects to agree with obvious nonsense at least once.

How does this apply to the “vaccine” scam?  How many times did we hear from “knowledgeable experts” the following?

“All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective.”

This was used to nudge people to get the jab.  There are some obvious questions here.  If vaccines normally undergo ten years of trials before approval, how can one possibly know if the jab was safe after a couple of months?  Of course, as it turns out, one could not know.  And it turns out that the jabs are not safe.  And the drug companies knew there were issues with the jabs.  However, the “safe and effective” lie was peddled ad nauseum.  Many people bought the nonsense that was being sold because “all experts agree.”

An interesting aside here is that on September 1st, 2021, right before the vaccine mandates started, the jab rate was 62.3%.  Note the percentage in the Asch experiment.

When the mindless one assumed the Presidency, he said that he would not impose a national mandate to get vaccinated or, for that matter, to wear a mask.  Biden’s handlers relied on the nudge approach to push people where they wanted them to go.  Biden would periodically go out and call it a patriotic duty to get jabbed.  I thought personally that this was a particularly unsavory approach.  Of course, the mindless one doesn’t know any better at this point in his descent into senility.

When the vaccination push started to lose steam, then coercion came to the forefront.  This came in the form of mandates.  Get jabbed or lose your job.

Shaming and hate propaganda were also used.  However, that is a subject for another time

Chudov noted:

We literally lived through a worldwide Asch experiment. Every newspaper, TV station, every YouTube recommended video, kept telling us how the vaccine was “safe and effective” and how “all experts agree”. We were constantly force fed these “expert opinions” nonstop.

Enormous efforts were spent to silence “misinformation”. Why? Because Solomon Asch found out that any expression of disagreement — lack of consensus — immediately kills compliance:

The story put forward by the establishment was a lie.  It was coordinated across governments and continents.  The actual reduction in the percentage of people who got COVID was well under 1%.  The 95% effective language was used to create a smokescreen that would lead to compliance.  Now, as it turns out, the jabbed are becoming super spreaders.  Again, that is a story for another time.

The real smoking gun here is probably the masks.  In a real pandemic they would have been a biohazard.  Disposal would have been a major issue.  Only well into the mandated use period that Biden said wouldn’t be done, did any instructions for even cleaning such masks come out.  And we all know just how many masks were blowing all over parking lots, etc.

If you resisted the jab successfully, you demonstrated an ability to think independently and critically.  Spread your knowledge to all.

You can read Igor’s entire article here:

Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers

You are not alone!

Do not cave into them!

You can make a profound difference!
