Protect The Babies

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Looking at the headline title, one might think that this is another article on abortion.  It’s not.  What it is about is the attempt by Pfizer to get the FDA to approve the mRNA jab for kids under 5.  Smoke and mirrors appear to be the strategy being used to accomplish this.

Federal health officials said that kid-sizes doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines appear to be safe and effective for kids under 5, a key step toward a long-awaited decision to begin vaccinating the youngest American children.

“Safe and effective?”  At this point who would believe these people?  The jabs do not work.  Their effect wanes quickly and the side effect profile is very troubling.  And that’s for adults.  The prospects for severe illness among children this young from COVID are negligible. There does not appear to be any healthy children who have died from this infection.  To subject these kids to the possibly severe side effects is criminal.

This is all about Big Pharma making money.  Big Pharma corporate greed knows no limits.  They know that if a control group is allowed to exist, the outcomes will be compared and then the pitchforks will come for them.  The way to avoid this is to jab all the kids as young as possible.  To hell with the potential side effects.  If this is accomplished, then no comparison will be possible.  There would be no baseline to compare outcomes between those who were jabbed and those who were not since everybody would be jabbed.

Do not be surprised if attendance at school will be tied into having been jabbed.  Already some countries are trying to make the jab mandatory for kids.  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said he supports COVID-19 vaccine mandates for children attending schools.  “I believe that mandating vaccines for children to appear in school is a good idea,” Fauci told CNN’s “State of the Union” program.

The last two years have been the biggest psyop in the history of the world.  Thank God for Alex Berenson.  He has once again dug down into the data.  What he has uncovered shows just how corrupt the drug approval process is.

The FDA reported that Pfizer’s vaccine for children under 5, given as a three-shot series, appeared 80% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19.  According to Berenson, the 80% figure is essentially a fabrication.  In other words, they are lying.

Berenson notes:

Here’s what the Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer did; they only counted cases after the THIRD mRNA dose.

But of the 375 Sars-Cov-2 infections in the trial, 365 occurred before the third dose. Only 10 occurred after the third dose. 

Yes, you are reading that right. The efficacy figure is based on 3 PERCENT OF ALL THE INFECTIONS IN THE TRIAL.

They are claiming that this data shows that the jab is safe and effective.  Please note the negative numbers in the vaccine efficacy percentage for the youngest kids.  This means that the possibility that the jab makes them more susceptible to the virus is NOT excluded.  Real world data from adults shows just that.  Boosted individuals show a greater susceptibility to the virus. Yet the FDA is moving forward toward approval.

Berenson reports:

Count the other 97 percent of the infections, and the vaccine was roughly 20 percent effective over the entire trial – far, far below what the FDA said was approvable in 2020. The confidence intervals went below zero for kids under two, meaning the possibility that the vaccine increased the risk of infection cannot be excluded. And cases of severe Covid – including one two-year-old who was hospitalized – were mostly in the mRNA group.

The Children’s Health Defense wrote to the FDA with a tsunami of reasons why jabbing these babies is a crime against humanity.  One of the more telling arguments by CHD is that the CDC earlier said over 75% of children already have partial or full immunity to COVID. There is no ethical justification for unnecessary vaccination that will put children at elevated risk of vaccine harm when it appears that most are already immune and will obtain NO benefit.

CHD further noted:

By 8 weeks following their second dose, vaccinated children were placed at higher risk of developing COVID than unvaccinated children. By 9 weeks, their risk was even higher. Despite data-free theories offered to minimize this finding, the indisputable fact is that being vaccinated placed these children in a higher risk category for a COVID infection than if they had never been vaccinated.

Vaccinating children who you know are likely to be placed at higher risk from COVID as a result of vaccination is not “public health;” it is a crime. This is an unprecedented proposal not backed by science, logic, or ethics.

It does not meet the risk-benefit standard of 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–322 “the known and potential benefits of the product, when used to diagnose, prevent, or treat such disease or condition, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.”

One can read their entire letter here.

It is time to notify the FDA, CDC, Dr. Fauci, et al, that willful ignorance is prosecutable.  All those involved in harming our babies need to be fitted for orange jump suits.