Rogue Prosecutor Suspended

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Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a pro-active stance to protect the citizens of Florida from rogue prosecutors.  Late this morning, with numerous law enforcement representatives including the well-known Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, Governor DeSantis announced, effective immediately, the suspension of State Attorney Andrew Warren of Florida’s 13th Judicial District.

“We are suspending Soros-backed 13th circuit state attorney Andrew Warren for neglecting his duties as he pledges not to uphold the laws of the state,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement. The 13th circuit falls over Florida’s Hillsborough County.

In June 2021, State Attorney Warren signed a letter that said he would not enforce a prohibition on any sex change operations for minors.  Let’s be reminded exactly what this means.  This prosecutor on his own initiative was saying that he would not prosecute cases against people who castrate young boys and who sterilize young girls.

More recently, after the Dobbs decision was announced, Warren signed a letter saying he would not enforce ANY laws relating to the protecting the right to life in the State of Florida.  Florida has had prohibitions on third trimester abortions for a long time.  Florida has had prohibitions on partial birth abortions for a long time, and then most recently, the legislature enacted protections for unborn babies at three and a half months.

DeSantis noted:

“State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda.  It is my duty to hold Florida’s elected officials to the highest standards for the people of Florida.”

Prosecutors do have discretion in individual cases about those to proceed with.  However, presumptive non-enforcement of the laws of the state is not the role of a prosecutor.  If there is a law that needs changing, that is the role of the legislature.

DeSantis is a role model for GOP governors.  Others should start tossing out those people who believe that it is their duty to ignore the laws of the state.