Flattening The Curve

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Here’s what they’re up to now.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, is speaking of “flattening the curve” — but she’s not speaking about COVID.

She’s using that propaganda phrase for a whole new purpose now. The “curve” is energy use.

“So what we have to do,” she says, “is flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands. We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this.”

This is typical government speak.  They have created this energy problem in the first place, and of course they are positioning themselves as the people who will manage it for us.

States have always thrived on crises, but this is getting ridiculous.

One crisis after the other, always with the elites imposing more mandates and restrictions, and always hurting the most vulnerable people.  And just who will feel the pain the most?  The people on the lower end of the income spectrum.

Radio host Jesse Kelly put it this way: “Whenever you hear climate change death cultists talk about ‘transition’ and ‘some pain,’ just know that’s poor people dying. That’s the ‘some pain’ they’re talking about.”

And our friend Saifedean Ammous just added: “If you are a productive human but cannot get 24/7 electricity today, the only possible explanation is that you’ve been enslaved by your local politicians and central bankers.”  Enslaved is the right word.  These people are trying to make the common people dependent on the government for their very existence.

In the old days, progressives claimed to want to improve the standard of living of the poorest. Now it’s pretty blunt: you will be poorer, and if you object, you’re an enemy of the state.