Vote Democratic Or Die

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The desperation of the Democrats over this election cycle is captured in the closing arguments that they have made to the public during the last week or so.  It is best described as “Vote Democratic or Die.”

The public has seen this from all manner of Democratic propagandists.  On MSNBC, historian Michael Beschloss declared a Republican win could lead not only to the end of history books and democracy but lead to the “killing of our children.”

Not to be outdone in hyperbole, actor and director Rob Reiner claimed that Republicans “are willing to kill, literally kill, to get the power . . .  this might be the last election we have in a democracy.”

Even Barack Obama, one of the more impressive political speakers of our time, decided he needed to join the messaging.  Obama ended one speech with the same ominous warnings: “when true democracy goes away, people get hurt.”

Will we see political violence?  We already have.  The J6 protestors are victims of the Democratic Party’s attempts to purge the country of those voices who would disagree with them.  During the summer of 2020, the Democrats unleashed Antifa and BLM to riot, loot, burn and murder.  Will that happen again if the Democrats lose this election?  Remember in 2016, there were riots in multiple cities when Trump won.  The Demo-Communists believe they have a moral right to do whatever they need to to win.